
Good Tech: Oh cool monitors are incredibly cheap Bad Tech: Since they're cheap let's put them inside people's eyeballs
tech used to make our lives better and now it makes them shittier in a million tiny ways every day it’s no coincidence that this tracks with the shift from an optimistic view of the future to one filled with dread tech won’t save us from dystopia, it will accelerate the process
Good tech: Excel Bad tech: Crypto
Good tech: vi Bad tech: All those other editors.
Good tech: Photoshop amd Illustrator (pre-Firefly) Bad Tech: ChatGPT
I say we go back to the abacus. We really nailed it with that one
Good tech: No limits to see websites in other countries Bad tech: You can’t see this because you’re not here
It’s quite amazing how resilient Excel has been as a tool I use fairly sophisticated platforms (SQL, R, etc.) but I still find myself just plopping some lil data set in a spreadsheet for quick YoYs and formatting Its like digital scratch paper kinda
Think this works for finance too? Like, Good finance: 30 year mortgage Bad finance: CDO
Bad Tech II: you have to pay a subscription fee every year to get colors on the monitor. A separate fee for each color.
Retvrn to the fee structures of conventional printing.
Good tech: I can move my tv by myself without throwing my back out Bad tech: My tv is recording my conversations and sending them to undisclosed third parties.