
CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, and Fox news, of those sites, 3/4ers no longer have the debate as the top story, NBC news doesn't even have the debate over the fold, I couldn't even see the headline on my monitor. All of the meta coverage goes something like, Biden disappoints, Trump lies a bunch
Cue the reactionary doomers on this site saying that the Chevron ruling doesn't matter but also that it makes the Presidency useless so who cares who wins?
Every conversation about politics on this site is the same conversation and it's tiring. Time is a flat circle.
One feature and bug of the present 24/7 news cycle and desperate needs for clicks is most stories max out in less than 24 hours and need to be rotated.
neither does the NYT last time I checked
or the WaPo; top stories are ‘SCOTUS does J6 rioters a solid’
Well I mean this amount of bad press you gotta nuke the campaign Chris
I'm sure they're busy parsing all the policy nuance, and going to give an in depth breakdown when they're ready. Real into the weeds stuff, 2 hour coverage, special 10 page insert in the paper.
The Supremes really did do Biden a solid here. Just as the Narrative(tm) was solidifying Friday morning they nuked the administrative state, and now we have polling data.
They called out Trump's lies? I suppose that is something.