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JD makes comics and teaches kids but not at the same time. he/they www.phobos-comic.com
Oh, right, I only turned on this site so I could post comics. Here’s from today’s page. This whole scene is taking forever, for some reason.
The first job of any democrat (or Democrat) is to ensure the perpetuation of democracy.
“I guess you should vote for Trump then” is an instablock. You absolute fool, I’m not allowed to vote for either of them. But more importantly, Biden ALREADY IS a dictator, according to the supreme court. If he’s not using his new powers to shackle the court, he’s accepting dictatorship as a concept
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Project 2025 wants to put Hyun Sook and I, and anyone else who writes books they falsely scream "pornography" at, in prison. They want the teachers and librarians who shelve our books to be registered sex offenders. I know what books they consider "porn," because my book banners are on their board.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Universal school choice is the same scam as no child left behind. No child left behind took money away from schools in poor neighbourhoods. It left SO MANY children behind. Universal school choice will replace public schools with private schools. The “choice” is what you can afford.
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Universal school choice goes back to them actively wanting to destroy public education (remember Betsy DeVos) and that's... Jesus H. Christ if you don't understand how scary that is and how many marginalized children will be affected by that I don't know what to tell you.
It also outlines the need to cut off federal funding for any school that teaches "critical race theory," in the same breath. So, teach history the jingoistic way we demand or don't get funding. And erase queer people or we will pursue legal action.
I’ll believe Biden is packing the court when he actually does literally anything in that direction rather than just promising it for some distant future. DO IT NOW, LOSER.
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i am sorry to report this update: it apparently turns out the burning cybertruck in the ocean was in fact an ai generated image. 😔
devastating news. 😩
This is the smallest stakes ever, but I’m not looking forward to years and years of having to read about a terrible shitbag with the same name as me.
My best advice for cartoonists is to make a pact with someone you trust who can show up at your house with a baseball bat and calmly talk you down from a wild, dangerous position if you ever find yourself going full Dave Sim. You need to make that pact while things are fine, or it won’t hold.
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Leigh Dragoon has lost their mind. Met them years ago. But that doesn't matter, all we are are villains.
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Also going to gently say that we should all get paid fairly for our work and that includes writers and artists and cover designers etc etc
Talked to several designers for book projects and they've all been hit super hard by AI Anyway if you have a cover project consider a cover artist
I managed to get my time travellers arrested in an ancient Roman colony, so now I need to pause and do some research to find out how much of a pickle they’re actually in.
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Just made a handy quick reference chart for all of our skittish friends.
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I want people to take it from an actual communist (me)— Anyone who thinks artists/authors have a capitalist or landlord-like relation to production because of passive income from their created works simply does not understand class as a relation, or Marxism as a discipline. The end!
The problem with people who do Copyright Discourse to justify not wanting to pay for stuff ("ideas landlords! capitalism! sharing ebooks is redistribution of the means of production!") is, basically, they're morons.
Ownership of ideas predates capitalism. Whatever you believe the ideal form of copyright is, people owning stories AND communities sharing stories are both ancient concepts. I don’t accept that all information “wants to be free.” History doesn’t bear that out.
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I’m not a fan of every detail of the copyright system and hoe corporations use it, but some form of copyright needs to exist until we have a system in which people who do art as a job can live comfortably without relying on being paid directly for their labor.
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like…not for nothing 👇🏾
I had a dream that was basically me rewriting my time travel teens story to have a self-insert character as the main character. I blame watching The Orville before going to bed, which has a flagrant self-insert MC. That dude literally made himself the main character of an off-brand star trek.
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every time somebody accuses you of not taking this election sufficiently seriously, remember this. Remember what the people with actual power did. Remember that they bowed and opened the gates themselves
This is deranged. The press has just decided that criticizing Trump is no longer okay. www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/m...
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Reagan did not get a 20-point bump from the assassination attempt, and it's not why he won re-election in a landslide. Reagan's approval rating was at 60% in the last Gallup poll before the attempt in March 1981. It peaked at 68% in May of that year, and the bump disappeared entirely by June.
A lot of scary people are gonna say a lot of scary things, but I’m not sure the practicality of choosing different actions is going to change after today. If that makes sense. Yes I am being a bit vague.
On my Ko-Fi page, I posted a set of comic characters I drew a million years ago that I had a lot of fun with. ko-fi.com/post/Comic-C...
Comic Character Alphabetko-fi.com J Dalton published a post on Ko-fi
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TEN HOURS LEFT! I posted some UPDATED ART in the newest update!
www.kickstarter.com/projects/963... SKIN DEEP VOLUME 5: OBVERSE & REVERSE IS NOW LIVE FOR CROWDFUNDING! I'm so excited about this book, it's the biggest Skin Deep book yet!!!
This is the last thing I want to say on this because my opinions have NO bearing on the outcome and neither do yours. But. I think “the media will just start making stuff up about Harris if Biden drops out” is a poor argument. Sure they will. People don’t have to listen though.
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have mercy on PNW region artists for our output these last two weeks x_x
It's a hot one
One of the best comics I’ve ever done was a poem. I translated and drew a comic around the Ballad of Mulan, the earliest extant version of which was a song slash poem. Translating it with images for support was much more effective than a straight translation would have been. Pt.1:
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A new character for Lost Pages, a xenoarchaeologist.
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I spent probably fifteen years with painfully miscalibrated expectations for myself because I didn't really get that 3/4 of any given library was written by people with a day job.
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make