
i think it's cool and not weird at all that for all of its communitarian messaging every star trek character's ultimate dream is seemingly to live in a beautiful and enormous cottage on an otherwise abandoned planet
fully luxury gay space communism in pursuit of the mormon concept of heaven. fantastic stuff guys
American fully luxury gay space communism
Gay Space Communism with American Characteristics
I'm very sympathetic to the "it's colonialism: but good" argument about Star Trek for this reason. it's kind of hard not to feel like deep space exploration getting a filter thrown on it is inevitably going to be about owning your own plot of land.
im unsympathetic to this because there is no good version of colonialism and it feels like them trying to launder reactionary ideas in different packaging
We're saying the same thing. If Manifest Destiny is bad colonialism then Trek is just trying to have a good version that comes off like wish fulfillment for the "they will greet us as liberator" crowd. But it's all the same with different aesthetics.
sorry i misread "i'm sympathetic to" lmao, i'm still jetlagged to hell and my brain isnt functioning. carry on
Seems like after living at work for years on end they really are just pinning to take one, fairly standard vacation
it's so fucking boring. give me life in a space-communist ecumenopolis filled with millions of other species and cultures. basically, what i want is life on a culture GSV rather than in star trek
By way of militaristic totalitarianism that totally doesn't get taken advantage of by an extreme despot every other century
god help you if you refer to star trek as military scifi thought lol
I kinda feel like that’s a fair goal for people who spent their entire careers stuck on a ship with thousands of other people. After decades of that, id be dreaming of the same thing, and I **hate** the idea of country/cottage living.
The Culture novels play it both ways. high density General Systems Vehicles for the urbanists, extremely material-efficient living space on orbitals for the others.
.... woah. that kinda blew my mind
I wonder if they have to tithe their replicator credits to get a better planet
The further we get away from Roddenberry’s Star Trek the more its vision is bound by the imagination of tv writers.
criminal that riker didnt retire to space new orleans. another crime of the picard series.
exactly. riker should own an all-nude jazz club on risa
big neon trombone over the door.
that's the name of the club
his band is called Brass Polish
I think i need to make a neon sign t shirt for this club with all of these ideas now...
But there’s a story reason for the cabin on an empty planet, they moved there because they thought the soil was better for their terminally ill kid.
I want to see Rikee hanging out at Sisko's or whatever that restaurant was called
I hated all of the "where are they now" stuff in Picard (along with the rest of Picard)
Like why isn't Picard an archeologist, fuck you, tv show
I have serious issues with Worf becoming a hyper Klingon murder machine in his old age. His whole character arc is about him learning to be klingon on his own terms and mellowing out bc he overcomes his constant powerful "am i klingon enough" anxiety
They should have made him completely non-violent and zen honestly.
I kind of liked his duality in picard vs an absolutist ideal. He seems to have learned how to balance himself and accept that there are two worfs inside him, to co-opt a meme. Plus him learning to chill is nice. I like a happy michael dorn.
You can't go around saying "inside you are two Worfs". This is bluesky. Have you any idea how thirsty people are around here?
I mean I didn't finish that season so maybe you saw some stuff that I didn't but he didn't seem very dual to me. He seemed like he had his Klingonitude ramped way up to me. I had hoped he would have found peace for himself
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
That show isn't fucking canon, I can't handle it, everything about it made me so mad
“Oh his family has an orchard tho” My family has a dry cleaning business but I still went out and did the weird little thing I was obsessed with all my life
Yeah!!!! It's part of his character development!! It's like they watched the ep where he goes to his family orchard and fights with his brother and all they took away from it was "COOL he owns an orchard now"
my man should be a DOCENT somewhere
Just like in the TNG movies, they keep trying to make a diplomat into an action star I can’t watch Picard He should be solving mysteries in his small village
OMG a miss Marple/Poirot style mystery show with detective Picard would be so cute
That was the original plan for the show. Then they were forced to change it.
Who will the mystery villain be this season?! lol it’s the Borg again! Pretend to be surprised as we take all the wind out of First Contact.
I uh... rage quit after 1 season
You made a good choice. I should have rage-quit right after I saw what they did to Icheb, still angry about that. "This show is for TNG fans! If you're a Voyager fan, fuck you!" seems to have been the attitude.