
Violet Affleck: "To confront the Long COVID crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. And most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason." 🔥🔥🔥
Violet Affleck made a public comment opposing the proposed mask ban in #LosAngeles! 🔥 #LA
I've wondered why she's almost always masked and I get it now
it just makes good sense? to protect yourself at any stage of life/health, +to be helpful to everyone you encounter?
I still mask but her masking stands out in contrast to her family who often doesn't. I was trying to understand why she was so different from her family. Having experienced a significant post viral infection when young helps explain it
gotcha. yeah i think (judging from her comments about prisons, etc) she would be masking regardless due to conscience. but ppl who experience/d disability definitely have better opportunity to understand what covid can do! it is sad her family doesn't follow her lead, if nothing else@ least near her
Mask bans are infuriating. We flew from London to the US on Saturday with the couple seated directly behind us coughing and hacking their way across the Atlantic for 9 hours - not a mask in sight. We’ve both been down with COVID since Sunday night.
We were not - we asked a flight attendant if there were any available once we sussed out the situation but we were told there were none. Lesson learned. I had to make a grocery run and a vet visit after symptom onset but before testing. I strapped on a KN-95 just in case. Because I’m not an asshole.
This is why I am careful to maintain masking as a habit. Once in a while I catch myself slipping, but thanks to the habit there's always a spare in my pocket.
What fucking morons want mask bans? Jesus fucking Christ almighty, I hate our fucking species 😫😫😫
there are mask bans in Florida, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, West Virginia, and California pre 2020. only DC and New York repealed theirs in the wake of covid.
to make matters worse North Carolina is passing a law rn that bans all face coverings, and allows business owners the right to demand mask wearers take their mask off for identification.
Whatever will the white supremacists do when they can't hide their identities during their "Jews will not replace us" marches? They typically crawl out of their hidey-holes in republican states; the same states banning masks.
They weren’t wearing masks, making it easy to ID them.
yeah they don't really hide their bigotry down south
Mask bans? Really? I am not up to speed on this issue but where is personal choice and personal responsibility factored in? Why is any and every issue these days seen in the black or white perspective. Is there no acceptance of middle ground anymore?
People wore masks at protests about Gaza. Cops no likey. It’s not more complicated than that. They want to be able to run facial recognition on everyone at all times.
We have an obligation to each other and 10X the obligation to those we take into custody and rob of their agency, even if they're a violent public safety risk. The fact that what she is saying will seem radical and BE totally impossible to make codified policy shows how rotten we've become.
Can someone explain the idea about mask bans? Why would anyone want it?
The same a-holes that deny raped girls the right to abortion feel that masks are too much of a limitation of their personal freedom.
I believe it has smth to do with stealing fear but, yeah, it's stupid
Ah so it's not specifically "covid mask" ban but a ban of covering ones face? But it would include "covid masks"?
would give officials (or in some bans as written, anyone who is "concerned" about your identity) right to make you remove your medical mask. no matter how dangerous that is for u personally. super fkdup!
"Public safety". The recent protests have been used as an excuse. Some places have always had bans on masks in public spaces but after Covid hit made sure there were exceptions for health & safety, and now want to drop those exceptions.
Even though those things were "on the books" nobody ever cared. Ppl wore masks for medical reasons and it never mattered. It likely never even registered for ppl.
This is a backlash to the Gaza Solidarity Encampments. Cops are pissed they couldn’t use facial recognition tech on protestors easily. They want to make it much harder to oppose the state.
Misery likes company, apparently. Maybe covid is a "smart" virus, that alters the host's brains akin to T. Gondii, and causes the host to act recklessly, giving more vectors for the pathogen to spread.
It's not about droplet distance, it's about aerosols that hang in the air for a long time, like smoke. I want ventilation to dilute that and a good respirator (N95, not surgical) to catch most of it.
Both. Yes. For instance, if you can smell someone lighting up a cigarette, you are within vapor distance.
You can't fool me, I carry an Aranet4.
This is great. Is the three layer mask surgical or N-95?
Good question. I believe that graphic was surgical, air and vapor exhaled being the point, as the N95 is meant to also filter air going in, which would be another graphic.
Ok. Wearing a surgical mask now.
My PCP always wears a surgical mask, got COVID again in Dec and is now leaving medicine due to LC. Please wear an K/N95.
a surgical mask (if not "surgical n95") tends to allow lots of air in +out around its gappy edges. they're still way better than no mask! but if you can upgrade to headstrap respirator- or even just add a cloth mask to "tighten" your surgicals- it'll be more protective for u :)
(basically "surgical" means it's intended to prevent liquids getting in or out but "respirator" means filtering the air... there's covid in our spit/snot, but also in our breath, so the latter= more useful to most ppl in regular public settings to prevent transmission of covid, flu, rsv, colds, etc)
Incredible elevator pitch; love the Nepo baby power wielded in this way
I 👁️ Demand.... 🤦🏼‍♀️ try We... imagine better
Holy shit! Damn articulate and so young! I could never have constructed a statement like that at her age. Bravo to her and I 100% agree. Until a bonafide cure is made, SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay and who knows what future mutations will impact human health.
A mask ban? LOL! This coming from a group no doubt that was hell bent beside themselves because ThE GoVeRnMeNt KaiN't TeLl Me WuT To Do. They are ALWAYS the first ones to wield the power of government when it's for their ideology.
Who is she and why is her opinion more valid than ours???
She is a citizen who gets to provide public comment just like anyone else.
I thought she might be related to Ben Affleck but thanks for the negativity
Yes she is his daughter with Jennifer Garner.