Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום

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Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום

Journalist, author, podcaster, bon vivant.
לפעמים אני כותבת בעברית כי אני לומדת עברית ורוצה להשתפר. תיקונים מדוברי עברית תמיד מוערכים.
I’ve been trying to think about what kind of interaction I do and don’t like on this site, and I’ve realized that when people are talking *to me* I usually am fine with it but when people are talking to themselves or having extended conversations with other people in my mentions it exhausts me
Fights are the worst, but extended convos that aren’t for my benefit (so like, excluding debates about Hebrew grammar here!!) can still be tiresome. My mentions are not a cafe, DMs exist.
Guys sorry for the House of Dragon spoilers but the Dance of the Dragons is famously a big reason for why there are no living dragons at the beginning of GOT so if you think it ends well for anyone, quit now
Gonna be a lot of dead dragons and probably the worst person winning
I suspect it will also answer questions like “why are there no Black people or Hightowers in Westeros in Game of Thrones”
We’ve all accepted that The Winds of Winter is never coming out, right?
In all seriousness if the book came out tomorrow I don’t think I would read it because I would have to reread the first five books to remember what happened and who has the time???
There are supposed to be two more books I think!!!
I don’t mean to make anyone feel old or called out but VC Andrews and Robert Heinlein are not modern authors; Heinlein died just two months shy of his 81st birthday when I was five years old
Also good people make absolutely shit art all the time
People really need to give up the idea there's any connection between morality and art. Immoral people are capable of creating moving, empathetic art. Nothing about writing dark and violent art implies the artist is themselves dark and violent. Etc. There just isn't a connection.
I have never been more confused in my life
What does orgasm denial have to do with a divine hatred of rodents?
This is up there, randomness wise, with the shirts that my friend and I made during the 2003 blackout that read “In Hell, gay bees polish your gums”
(The explanation for that is that while we were stuck at my friend’s parents’ house — aka Hell — we entertained ourselves by pushing these weird little toy fans with foam fins (which my friend said sounded like “gay bees”) up against our teeth, ergo, polishing our gums)
Major Chanuka/Kwanzaa overlap this year
I don’t know how many Black Jews celebrate both holidays but I am excited for any who do
Yeah the no was intentional; it's technically "[the] lonely Jew [is] sad [because they do] no[t celebrate] Christmas" the deletions are because it's funnier
Gonna be totally honest; regardless of whether or not Biden can get elected this November, I don't think he is going to be capable of being president by 2028
This is the convo I have had with my (one year younger than Biden) mom, like... this is how aging works? Being president is also a demanding job that ages people very rapidly? Does anyone really expect an 85-year-old man to be up to the task?
I will vote for him if he's on the ballot this November, but it really feels clear that Harris is gonna be running the show at some point
Would be nice if we could have *better* conversations about antisemitism but oh well
Genuinely embarrassed for everyone that the level of discourse about antisemitism is stuck where it is, I thought you people were actually intelligent
That said, not like I can expect better from a culture where "lonely Jew sad no Christmas" is a seasonal fixture of holiday media
In all seriousness, multiple people have told me that my posts about OCD led to them getting dxed so my weird little mental health management strategy might actually be one of the most consequential things I have ever done
Yes, it’s called Raising Awareness Of OCD™️
I have literally helped people get dxed so my track record is great