
I wish more people could distinguish between “Jews are generally the most reliable source for distinguishing when critique of Israeli governance and policy veers into antisemitism, although there’s intra-communal debate that should be taken into account” and “let Big Jew tell you who’s a Nazi.”
OTOH I also see people use “criticism of Israel isn’t antisemitic” like it’s a magic spell to avoid any kind of introspection or confrontation about whether the stances they espouse actively endanger Jewish lives and identity
It feels like people taking advantage of a loose meaning of a sentence. "Criticism of Israel isn't antisemitic" meant "criticism isn't inherently antisemitic," not "criticism of Israel can never be antisemitic."
I’ve said for years that that formulation is, in fact, wrong. The proper formulation is “criticism of Israel isn’t necessarily antisemitic.”
I found myself instinctively cringing at seeing someone’s name written in Hebrew in their handle and terrified myself. I went to Hebrew school! I conflated an ALPHABET with an apartheid state. To think that non-Jews aren’t also getting confused about who they harbor hostility towards is thickheaded.
(Not that there aren’t already those who hate us without confusion)
Anyways Greenblatt sucks for a lot of reasons but they enemy of your enemy isn’t always your friend, please don’t cape for people who want to control the discourse for bigot reasons simply because ADL leadership has failed
Au contraire, I am Pope of All the Jews (*) and my spicy takes shall govern us all. For example, I have decreed that blueberry bagels are apikorsus, so shall it be, Amen. (*) No point in being Rabbi of All the Jews, nobody listens to rabbis.
I'm not even Jewish (just grew up near New York) and I agree. Before I got a masters in Rabbinic Literature, though, I would have called them heresy.
Ahem, I believe Ben Shapiro is Pope of the Jews. Only he can determines who amongst us is truly apikorsim
SCHISMATIC! But if Shapiro is willing to move to Avignon and e.g. eat his loathsome blueberry bagels there, there may be room to compromise.
I'm just getting annoyed at non-Jews who are making themselves out to be the arbiters and it's solely based around if they like the person saying it or not.
okay but is there actually a Really Big Jew out there who we can ask questions and get divine answers for, because if so I have some questions about other stuff
That would be Gd but the answers part isn’t reliable
Elijah the Prophet, but he's famously hard to get a hold of when you want him.
Have you considered offering him some wine?
Yeah, but he never shows up for it while I'm looking.
Is Big Jew, like, Manischewitz or something? Or more like this? I will have to consult my aunts.
we finally just stopped putting out the Manischewitz on high holidays and started putting out real wine. And scotch, my family are terrible jews.