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(She/Her) 30, Los Angeles, on another app!
Without my ADHD medication: husk of a human, wasting disease, depressed, self-hatred. With it: still tired all the damn time and can’t go to sleep before midnight. There has to be a happy medium I would love for my brain working and being well rested to be coexisting conditions. So far, it’s 0/2
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Insane Clown Syndrome
Thought of a drag name that requires VERY CAREFUL execution: Auntie Semitism
I cannot believe anyone voted ‘yes’ on this, nor that this person is allowed to practice medicine at all.
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Dogs hate fireworks because, like all higher creatures, they detest war.
Something I think about often is that the two Black Eyed Peas singles to really chart were off the same album and one was called “Where is the Love?” whereas the other was titled “Let’s Get [R-slur]”
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She’s the May Queen
Avatar as someone who can only keep bazooka joe and dubble bubble at home these days due to TWO doggy seizure episodes, I feel your pain and I’m so sorry Dexter had to go through it. It’s one of the scariest experiences. - a GCF listener
Types of people I do not understand, and whom I harbor slight, no doubt envy-tinged, hostility towards: - morning people - cold shower people
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I hate it when people say “they’ve never let their disability slow them down” as if disabled people are just choosing to be lazy on certain days and that there’s better disabled people out there who can just choose whether or not to be slow a certain day this is asshole talk I don’t like it
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Virgo: Your subscription to reality has been cancelled. If you feel this has been done in error, text HELP to the burning eyes in the darkness of The Void.
Love to keep hearing this Father’s Day podcast ad for a cocktail drink making machine, directing the listener to splurge this year on Dad’s “favorite thing.” It is his favorite thing! He’s an alcoholic. Please stop.
Well, after three years, I asked a superior if he thinks I’ll ever get promoted and he said it’s not worth it and to find another job that will pay me more, and I’m gonna listen. (I’ve been loosely looking for another job for the past two years, but I’m calling a headhunter tomorrow).
I really hate when people act like there’s an expiration date on spoilers ie. “this has been out for X amount of time, I can ruin it for you now.” Do you know how much media exists that I would like to watch that has come out in the last 100+ years of film? I’m sorry I’m not all caught up!
Sunflower seeds are like the bubblegum cigarettes of dip
Why is every airline now Spirit Airlines?
Boss tried to tell me yesterday that no one implementing AI in their business is looking to replace staff, only to become more efficient. And if my boss says so, it must be true!
'“Right now the state of the art of generative A.I. is it just does a bad, complicated, convoluted job that just makes more work for everyone else,” Mr. Brown concluded in his YouTube video.' It's trash that produces lies and no responsible business should use it.
Opinion | Will A.I. Ever Live Up to Its Hype? It’s looking less like an all-powerful being and more like an unreliable intern.
Bye bye to this cornerstone of many an after-work decomp. Did I trust your wings? No. Did I eat them? Enthusiastically.
"my first apartment cost $250 in rent" is the most fun thing to tell today's young people but "you used to be able to get a literal 5-ounce pour of well whiskey here for $2.25" is also a good one
The Back Door, a Highlands watering hole for nearly 40 years, closes its The restaurant, a local watering hole known for its wings, pool tables and its zany mural of actual residents, has been in business for nearly 40 years.
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Please leash your dogs y'all. I promise you don't actually have perfect recall. Mine is not friendly to other dogs, and I've worked REALLY hard to train her so we can go for walks. But a random dog running up to her while you yell "he's friendly!" is always going to ruin my fucking day.
Why did I take my bed apart and put it back together just now? I wanted the slats higher but it’s a Thursday and I am sick.
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But if I don't have children, who will carry on the family depression?
Sometimes I think about how Pat Morita was born and raised in California and I can’t think of a single role of his where he gets to speak non-broken English. His career spans decades.
Someone on Hinge answered the prompt “Dating me is like…” with “dating every main character on Seinfeld combined.” And like. That is the worst flex I have ever seen. This is a reverse flex. A counter-flex.
Dogs aren’t wolves! Stop acting like dogs are wolves!
Could y’all please stop misgendering C**tlin J**ner just because she’s a bad person? Why is this so hard for people? You don’t get to be transphobic in one context and not a transphobe in another.
Gotta start building a community for myself not just because I’m lonely but also because I am ill prepared for an emergency situation
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every poster thinks they are casually sharing their passing thoughts; every replier thinks they are critiquing a manifesto
I will not be watching The Program, but it keeps popping up in my socials and I have both survivor’s guilt, and simultaneous internal invalidation of the trauma of my own experience since it wasn’t “as bad” and I wasn’t a teen.
Just saw a still of Walter Matthau and thought to myself: man, he is one of those guys who got older and looked like a completely different person and it took me roughly 10 seconds to realize that’s because I was thinking of Martin Landau who is just a different guy!!!
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Rent is so stupid, yeah I have a subscription to housing