
I started putting a checkmark next to the ones that fit me but then realised it would be easier to just cross out the ones that didn't. QT RT with your own! (Original here
I thought I would cross out more...
Crossed out what doesn't apply. Light colored crossed ones are "it depends" / contextual.
I shared this one with a friend and they also crossed out the 'concrete thinking' one. It'd be interesting if it happens to more people!
So...I've got a brother diagnosed as high-functioning autistic (has a BA and an MA but can't hold a job) and a son with diagnosed ADHD. And I was on G&T tracks all through ES-JH-HS. So I've got items in all three but no consistent "yep this is me" and...not really sure what that means.
It might be helpful to google "Broad Autism Phenotype". Essentially, a lot of the time family members of someone with autism will have a mild form of some of the symptoms without really qualifying for a diagnosis. Not sure if the same thing happens with ADHD.
Anecdotally...i think it's true for ADHD too, but that could just be symptom overlap.
Might also be useful to read up on Mirroring, especially in the case of someone you've lived with for a long time. Like with all things psychology-related, there can be independent and co-occurrent things going on. Could also be confirmation bias. brains, amirite?