Cranky McCrankymom

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Cranky McCrankymom

Work-at-home mom, SF/fantasy geek, Jewish atheist, organizer for social justice, co-host of the Toku Ladies Podcast...I contain multitudes, yo. Cis, not entirely het. Pronouns: she/her.
It hurts me how many people I love are willing to turn a blind eye to this because it's not *our* people being murdered in vast numbers. I don't know what to say to them or how to face them right now.
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Damn it, damn it. I totally forgot and ordered from Amazon on Prime Day :( I really meant to not do that, but it didn't occur to me at the time, I just needed more ant bait. Blurg.
No spoilers, but the beginning of ep. 19 of Vincenzo was HILARIOUS. Absolutely perfect ::chef kiss:: 10/10 no notes ever. ::giggling madly::
Some years ago, I resolved to send more thank you letters than complaints. I don't always remember, but I'm pleased that today I sent a thank you to several nurses at Suburban Hospital, JSSA hospice, and the staff at Landow House, where my father lived for six years. It makes me feel good.
the general vibe at the moment
Happy to say we survived this morning's funeral and this evening's shiva minyan. One more minyan to go.
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Reminder to everyone you can subscribe to to automatically hide things the model thinks are screenshots from other social media!
Get ready to see more screenshots from Twitter and Truth Social than actual Bluesky posts for a few days.
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
#USPoli I'm not generally a paranoid person, but I must admit to a little anxiety over spending a few hours at a Jewish cemetery not far outside of DC today. Not a lot of anxiety, but a little. Sigh. Well, I just need to get through the morning and then we'll be at home the rest of today.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT IMMEDIATELY. The universe really missed an excellent chance and I can't tell you how irritated I am by this.
Saw a Trumper say earlier “Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons…I wonder who the third person will be” and i feel like the universe really missed a chance here.
Yael asked me about funeral/mourning practices of religions other than the two we know something about: Judaism and Christianity. After a *very* brief and *very* surface look around the Internet, I think Muslim and Hindu practices are closer to Judaism than Christianity. Feel free to correct me!
I'm sitting here fighting to stay awake and I finally realized...why? If I need to take a nap to feel halfway human, I can take a nap. (Took me three tries to type that, so I think it's a good call.) We have guests for dinner, but not fancy ones, so I can run away for a bit to recoup some energy
My father passed this morning at 5 am. Thanks to the amazing hospice nurse, it wasn't a surprise. My sister and I are in that weird limbo waiting for the funeral home to arrive, where it feels like we should be doing something, but we just have to wait while everyone negotiates funeral time.
I regularly call my son and daughter by each other's names and have done so since my son was born. Also in the mix is my sister's name and my niece's. My elderly in-laws pick a son's name mostly at random and we have to guess which one they're talking about.
Would love to see an honest guess from young parents on how many times they’ve called their kids by the wrong name in the last 5 years. I’d be shocked if it’s less than 10.
Me, via text: So, the hospice nurse says my dad has a few days left. I guess, prepare for a funeral next week. R: Did you ask her what she judged that on? Me: No. I didn't question the EXPERIENCED HOSPICE NURSE what exact data she used. Because I'm not ridiculous.
My Slate essay on why leftists should vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate this November, despite everything:
The Leftist Case for Voting—Yes, Even for We need to think about this election differently. Just look at France.
Also - Dear furry tech people: Heritage is run by people who are connected and well-resourced, although not necessarily all that sharp. So please remember that even if nothing else you did or know about is remotely illegal, it's a felony to lie to the feds and every day is STFU Friday, m'kay?
I'll bet beer money that any IP evidence from this hack traces back to the public wifi at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
Not a Vincenzo spoiler, really...THEY'RE DOING THE SLOW-MO WALK OF ALL THE "GOOD GUYS" ACROSS THE PLAZA IN A LINE. And it is a thing of beauty. I love good secondary characters and these are some of the best I've seen in years.
I'm usually proud of my kids' camp, but this...isn't great. They fired a long-time counselor (a rosh edah!) for being a member of JVP and calling for an end to genocide. Not thrilled Barak is there now. (Of course, the phrasing begs the question of whether anti-Zionism is antisemitism. ::eyeroll::)
Why Camp Ramah in New England drew a red line against anti-Zionism among its Its decision not to rehire a longtime counselor whose affiliation with JVP upset colleagues comes as institutions grapple with setting standards
ISTG, when I say in my in-laws know EVERYONE, I really mean it. Avi took them to the funeral of an old friend of my FIL's today. Who was this guy, famous enough to get an obit in the Forward. (I didn't know him, so no need for condolences to me.)
Remembering Arnold Band, a towering figure in Jewish Arnold Band, who taught at UCLA for more than 50 years, brought a classicist touch to his studies of Kafka, Agnon, Yehoshua and others.
OH FER CRYIN OUT LOUD. As if things weren't enough of a mess, my MIL came back from Israel with COVID. Do you think the funeral home does group discounts? Because neither she nor my FIL are in good health.
OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!! WE DID IT!!!! Truly unbelievably grateful and emotional to see this number. This may be the best "How it Started, How It's Going" of my life. Thank you, y'all, for helping us make this happen. Under no circumstances should you fuck with romancelandia.
Love sitting with my father for an hour while he says that I'm not helping him. He says I should just carry him back to his apartment. Mm-hmm. That's a great idea. Yup. I'll get right on that.
As my favorite Doctor once said: "Interfere? Of course we should interfere. Always do what you're best at, that's what I say."
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
NYT now reporting that a veterinary expert went to the White House eight times and that Biden has Feline HIV
Who could possibly have predicted this? I mean, other than anyone with even a cursory knowledge of how US health insurance plans work. Or any knowledge of capitalism. Or anyone who has ever been to a doctor or hospital. Other than those folks, this was clearly impossible to see coming. ::coughs::
Medicare Advantage is a giant swindle
Things I just said aloud: "Wow, I hope the hospice people have plenty of Ativan." "You have to drink the water. I can only hold it for you, I can't drink it for you."
Yael: [comes out of her bedroom] I feel like I'm forgetting something. Me: Oh, I *know* I'm forgetting something. [waves hand vaguely around the room] What are we forgetting and how important is it? Who knows?
How is Vincenzo so perfectly plotted??? (That's rhetorical. The answer is "The writers are very skilled.") I'm a sucker for a show/movie where Chekov's Gun is taken to its logical extreme and *everything* and *everybody* will end up being plot-relevant and causing a plot twist.