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I mostly post drawings and photography by me.

Often Hamtramck/Detroit

Abolish police

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Reposted byAvatar Marcus
a white homeless man we gave free cups of coffee to gave us the racist stink eye when finding out black folks owned the coffeeshop... i was like, "really, man?"
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Bronx: Wave Hill, a 28-acre garden/park on the Hudson in Riverdale Edgar Allan Poe Cottage, where Poe lived when he briefly lived in the Bronx (also worth visiting the Highbridge where he walked over into Manhattan to see his publisher on 42nd St)
Let's have some fun on Bluesky tonight! Tell me where you live and one thing everyone should do in your city! #flythefriendlysky
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
First Born and his partner made it safely to Heathrow and are on the plane to Norwich for her solo show. I absolutely love her work.
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Morgan’s Ash Digital painting
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Detroit, Michigan, June 2024
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
It is exhausting. You always have to go out your way to give people grace and room to learn and grow. Just to get gas lit and watch people either avert their eyes from the issues we face or straight up to pretend they have no basic knowledge of Black history and dynamics.
the most insidious part of white supremacy is the constant gaslighting
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
prime day is a great day to support local, indie, and not-shitty businesses imo. Not to toot my own horn but I think I myself fit the bill.
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
So a cop from out of town killed a homeless black man. That isn't murder?
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel confirms that a Columbus, Ohio, police officer detailed to the RNC shot and killed a homeless Black man (earlier reported to be in his early 20s) more than half a mile from the RNC arena. The man was known by the nickname Jehovah and took care of a pit bull named Isis.
Ohio police officer shoots, kills person in Milwaukee outside of RNC perimeter, sources The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Per multiple sources they are tearing down that building at DABLS African Bead Museum today.
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
one of the reasons why it's hard to explain anti-blackness to non-black people when you feel it is because many black people have had the experience of trying to point out what feels like very obvious racism to their white peers and then were immediately told that it wasn't racism
Detroit, Michigan, June 2024
This print is for sale here—along with quite a few other prints of my Power Lines Drawings love this. Love. Thank you!
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Yeah! Thanks for sharing!
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
In honor of this seriously bullshit heat, I translated a favorite passage from Chapter 27 of the late-Ming novel Jin Ping Mei, which is mostly remembered for other things: "There are in this world three sorts of people who fear the heat, and three who do not."
The Critical support for Comrade The Scoffing Scholar of Lanling
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Shopping Centre on Highway 7 in Perth, Ontario. As I recall, when there was still Greyhound Bus service in Ontario, the dog stopped here. While the buses are long gone, payphones often linger at their former stops. (Crown Graphic, 135mm f4.7 Schneider Xenar, Kodak TXP320)
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
It’s finally here! For years, has been working on an epic series about elite runners who’ve been told they can no longer race as women, because of their biology. TESTED is their story, & the story of sport’s history of dubious sex testing. Ep 1 is now online! <p>Who gets to compete? Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female ...
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
From an old poem back when I was writing poems like this, I've always really liked how these lines came together: "It is not darkness, it’s violence, that surrounds us, and state violence / with its face turned away seems to function as a transparent medium" (blank image for spillover alt text)
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Detroit, Michigan, January 2024
One of my favorite Onion jokes was just a 1940s headline from that Our Dumb Century book, something like: "Frenchman Declares, Hell Is Other Frenchmen"
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
brent spiner in independence day 🎨 #artsky
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
Reposted byAvatar Marcus
pharaoh's tomb, game over screen, bbc micro (1983)
Detroit, Michigan, January 2024