
i think there's an attitude of "it's just sports! how serious could it be!" and my answer is that i already know someone who went to rehab for sports betting and financially destroyed his family
Also, the last time we had rampant sports betting in this country a LOT of people caught a bullet over it. Even in times/places where it was legal or quasi-legal. Players and officials got bribed, blackmailed, and/or threatened all the time. It's bad!
Since sports gambling was legalized in March here in NC, we've been inundated with online and streaming ads for it. Not one month in, I overheard a young guy talking about how a friend of his had maxed out 8 credit cards betting on NC State to win their Final Four basketball game. They lost by 13.
Christ, seemingly every bus in Durham is covered in FanDuel shit. How quickly we decided to destroy a generation.
i honestly am not sure, is 8 credit cards a normal amount to have? it seems like a lot
You end up with 8 credit cards only out of desperation, deception, or a combo of both.
Damon Runyan wrote that "all horseplayers die broke", and that's sadly true for lots of other sports betting or gambling in general.
What makes me sad about this is that if we were a real country, we easily could have nipped this in the bud after the SC went ham in 2018. There was no popular uprising for sports gambling. Even now we could probably put the genie back in the bottle with a modicum of political will, but we won't.
Our inability to solve even small, easy, problems when there is money to be made makes me despair for our ability to meet the tough challenges.
Right? Like it’s betting, thus has everything that comes along with betting being “really bad for people, for some addictive,” just bc sports is the object of this particular version doesn’t change anything
God, the promotions I see are just heinously predatory.
A cousin of mine, he even stole money from a mentally impaired aunt of ours. Her wife left with the child when all popped up
This is another reason why I'm happy to pay ZERO attention to sports.
As someone who has bet sports for 15 years (starting way before it was legalized), honestly the people who act like this should be thrown in jail. At minimum they need to go to therapy and it is free in most states through the hotline. I have my major qualms with how this was legalized + rollout…
And we absolutely need to set up guardrails, but we can separate situations. The advertising is insane and the leagues being in bed with the books is a complete disaster. The sports betting lobby writing the bills and getting 100% of what they wanted should never have fucking happened.
Sports betting was def made significantly worse by being bundled with the techbro model--tidal waves of advertising, scammy apps, etc. My partner's brother was prodding her to start an account so he could have her free starter bets. Gross.
He's not even, like, a problem gambler (to the best of my knowledge), it's just a system that rewards that stuff, like a crappy MMO.
You don’t understand. Betting on the sport of basketball is different than betting on the sport of horse racing, because one is a normal sport and the other is for degenerate gamblers
When you realize that your bookie works out of a cop bar in Canarsie….
I've been feeling morbid and clicked this to know more about what is going on here. When it came up this all had to do with yet another fucking supreme court ruling I hit the roof
yea i think it's fair to say the supreme court sucks shit
Another Alito joint
Conservatives really do want 95% of the population to live in the worst possible timeline just so the other 5% can live without consequences
The court isn’t the only cause of everything bad, but if something bad is happening, there’s a good chance the court had something to do with it
We watched little league dads beat the crap out of each other for years over kids games. what did we think was gonna happen when EVERYONE started putting money on professional games?
Since I was a kid sports betting and scalping have both been made legal and both have been ruinous.
A lot of the people I know who truly love sports have told me how much it's negatively impacted the watching experience even if they don't participate because so much of the presentation is now catered to pumping sports betting. Shit's a parasite.
The touts on every show, in the panel or as inserted “commentary” that is a blatant ad. Sidebars with odds. I hate it.
You know how destructive gambling is when all the commercials for Draft Kings and whatnot have to put that disclaimer at the end - "Call this number if you you or a loved one have a gambling problem and need help stopping," etc. They know they're preying on vulnerable people, and don't give a shit.
But Marisa, society needs new and exciting ways for upward wealth transfer
I always want to ask my uncle who's "really good at betting" and has 'won' '$4000' how much he's lost winning that money
I am theoretically okay with sports gambling. It’s been years but I have made a few bets myself. But I think putting slots machines hooked to credit cards in everyone’s pocket is a really REALLY bad idea. Really not sure where to go from here. Maybe the baby’s gotta be thrown out too.
I used to enjoy putting $10 or $20 on a crazy last day of the season parley bet that would put my team in best playoff spot or a rival out & make me $10k, etc just for shits and giggles. But the coworker who would do it for me left. I’m guessing folks like me are ~.0000001% of the dollars out there.
The most I do is buy $5 worth of lottery tickets on occasion. Never really had an issue with gambling, nor did it entice me.
Of course the Tech industry is involved. How could it not be?
It’s the worst. It’s an addiction, but MLB: “haha! Oh well! We’ll have a tiny disclaimer about GA in the ads.”
And the negative effects were so so so predictable 😖
Because those effects are the reason it was made illegal in the first place
Yes. After the ruling they could have done more to reduce the impact but for the most part they have decided to jump in head first and try to make money off of it as well.
Cincinnati Reds broadcasts have a parlay ad during game, promoted by the announcers! 😳 We are inundated with gambling ads! It’s going to ruin sports!!
Glad the damn bats finally woke up. Hi stranger!
Hi there! I am in Twitter jail for commenting (6 words) on a video where a man sl*pped someone for taking his hat! So I’m violating rules. Forget the racist, antisemitism posts, cursing, half naked women, etc. Thought I’d pop over!
Nice to see you! Come around more often! More people and more features now! And no Twitter drama.✌️😊
I will! Anyone that I should be following to stay on top of things? Recommendations?