
listening to this season of slow burn and i didn’t realize that harvey milk and george moscone’s killer wasn’t convicted of murder because he was a former cop.
it’s so gross, all of it. plus it’s dianne feinstein’s origin story. off the backs of political martyrs ascends the mayor who raised the confederate flag at city hall
“it was one in a series of flags representing american history” NO! no, dianne. she was the worst, her husband made a mint off the patriot act, i despise her and never voted for her when i lived in ca. “first woman mayor of sf” nice legacy, dianne, london breed’s been a real treat
Who is Richard Bradley? Man who took on Dianne Feinstein over Confederate flag speaks out 37 years later | The%20man%20who%20battled%20former%20San%20Francisco%20Mayor%20Dianne%20Feinstein%20to%20remove%20the%20Confederate%20flag%20from%20City%20Hall%20agrees%20with%20efforts%20to%20remove%20her%20name%20f...
Holy shit. 🤦‍♀️
i know. closet full of skeletons. sf politics still dominates state politics and it’s ugly
Even the stuff that seemed okay that she championed frequently benefited her family substantially. Clean up nuclear test sites, my company at the time URS, partially owned by her husband, got the contract. Same with worldwide clean ups of chemical waste sites in Eastern Europe after the wall fell.
And don't forget student loans and what happened with them and how it very much benefited the banks...and her husband.
No bid contracts in Afghanistan? Got it. We talk about the Cheney's but this was her m.o., too.
And twinkies. a bonkers story!
got addicted to twinkies while on the beat, i guess
That and because he ate a lot of Twinkies
(twitching) that’s definitely a sarcastic reference to all the podcasts blogs articles etc debunking the cultural confusion about the diminished capacity defense he used, yeah?
I have not listened to that, but what my dad told me when I was little was that the prosecutors wanted the death penalty, but going for a jury open to the death penalty also meant a conservative jury hostile to Harvey Milk and sympathetic to White.
This explanation in the context of telling me about why my great aunt’s friend in the retirement home, Lena Moscone, was significant.
yes, the context is important. it’s still wild that he so clearly planned and carried out a double murder and someone convinced a jury otherwise.
oh, interesting. did they interview the jury on that question?
The documentary, "The Times of Harvey Milk" is definitely recommended.
This season has made me so angry. Like, what the fuck is wrong with people? Was it the lead in and on everything? Or is that just how people are?
I only ever thought of him as ex-firefighter but I see he had been a cop. Twinkie defense. Damn, that was brutal.