Marshall M.Div

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Marshall M.Div

Mental Health Advocate // B.A., M. Div // Randolph-Macon College, ‘19 // Union Presbyterian Seminary ‘22 // Inclusively Orthodox Episcopalian // He/Him
Going home from the hospital today! I appreciate everyone’s continued prayers and thank everyone for caring. It’s truly an honor to feel welcomed and loved in this little online world! ⚓️
There’s got to be something in connection of this transplant and Mary Magdalene’s witness to the resurrection. I’ll have to think and write on it in my spare time. ⚓️
Getting transplanted on St. Mary Magdalene’s feast day is gonna be an interesting thing to process later. Headed to pre-op soon. Thank you for all your prayers. ⚓️
Probably going to go with witnessing resurrection = witnessing new life! ⚓️
Hi everything went well. Now comes the hard work!
Getting transplanted on St. Mary Magdalene’s feast day is gonna be an interesting thing to process later. Headed to pre-op soon. Thank you for all your prayers. ⚓️
Getting transplanted on St. Mary Magdalene’s feast day is gonna be an interesting thing to process later. Headed to pre-op soon. Thank you for all your prayers. ⚓️
On a prayer note: I got a call about a potential deceased donor kidney. Pray for the soul of the deceased and pray that everything turns out okay for me in the end. 💜⚓️
Reading through the feasting on the word passages for this weeks gospel, as I am sometimes compelled by the Spirit to do, and discovered a former professor wrote one of the perspectives! Always fun to see!
Part of my therapy homework is to find and participate in things that bring me joy. Things that bring me joy are phone calls with friends and long theological tangents so I’m going to try and find ways to do those; but I feel compelled to ask: What brings you joy friends?
A combo of lack of sleep and working at the restaurant earlier than normal means I didn’t make it to the parish for church this morning. I’m not one to feel guilt over such things anymore but I hate when I don’t see my community.
I’m actually now in Diocese of NC but was in The Diocese of VA for about a decade; but I’m always willing to be anyone’s peer in this small world we live in!
Definitely the later. We were acquainted on the bird site for awhile. I don’t really use it anymore and honestly wonder if he’d even remember me but I’m trying to avoid to being too awkward that I definitely know who he is.
Hey anyone know what to do when you already know the incoming new rector of your parish from social media? They aren’t even moving for a little bit so I have time to prepare but I want to make a good IRL impression and also not make it weird. 😅⚓️
“There is one origin we all share, and that is being from the heart of God” Needed today’s lessons and sermon! ⚓️
Schism by Tool is an old favorite of mine but as a recently separated man listening to it for the first time in awhile…woo boy do those lyrics hit harder than ever.
Your electrolyte levels will thank you in the morning lol!
I hope everyone for whom fireworks are trauma triggers has a safe place and a safe person tonight. I know many people in that boat and honestly I’m thinking of them all tonight 💜
Doing a little online certificate in UX design to see if it’s something I’d want to do while I wait for priesthood stuff to happen and they just actively defined empathy as if you don’t know what the word means…this doesn’t feel like a word you should have to teach to anyone above like 4th grade.
Just saw an insta post saying “I respect Jesus too much to believe he’s God” and l…I just can’t. I don’t know what to do about this kind of rhetoric among progressive Christians…
Reposted byAvatar Marshall M.Div
I hate that I’m chronically online enough to be able to know what this is about…
Could use some help from priest friends here: I recently learned how much time commitment it is to restart the ordination process in NC. I’ve yet to have what I would call an “adult job” since getting my bachelors and masters, both in religious fields. Anyone have ideas for a job in the interim? ⚓️
Who brings an entire travel baseball team to a restaurant with no reservations?? Like thanks for calling and telling me there was 7 of you because so far there’s 16 people at one table and more are coming…
Though im working all day today, I’ll be following along with #GC81 passionately!
A great thread on one of my fav topics in Early Christian studies!
That was what therapy was about today and honestly that light at the end of the tunnel is definitely getting harder to see…
I would not wish marital separation/divorce on anyone. Holy shit this is hard stuff. You keep hoping “maybe they’ll come around” or “maybe I can fix us” and the hardest part about that is finally realizing they won’t come around and you can’t fix it and how hard of an emotional toll that takes.
I miss my wife. A lot. I had a particularly hard day yesterday and it made me realize how much it sucks to no longer have my best friend there to lean on. It’s been hard to keep finding the light in the darkness. And yet, I’m most worried about her. I sincerely wish I could ask if she’s okay…
Our marriage was far from perfect. There’s plenty of flaws that I’m sure, if caught earlier than the end, could have been fixed with extensive counseling. That said, our worst days together are better than any days apart. I can’t fathom how she’s handling this but I truly hope she’s okay.
Sending prayers and good vibes your way. Just know that I see you and I think you’re doing fantastic. 💜 DM if you need anything as always!