
1/ I'm agnostic as to whether Biden should withdraw from the race. It's a genuinely tough question IMO. But I have clarity on one thing: He should absolutely not step down as president. If Harris becomes President, the Vice Presidency is empty. Under the 25th Amendment ...
He absolutely should NOT withdraw from the race. It is NOT a genuinely tough question. It is an EASY question. Biden withdraws, Trump wins. PERIOD. Guaranteed. Biden is the ONLY Democrat who can be on the Wisconsin ballot. Possibly the Nevada ballot. & his withdrawal would be a legal NIGHTMARE.
The legal nightmare, by the way - would be the endless GOP challenges in state after state. Not any actual legitimate legal issues, per se - just the fuckery they'd pursue. They've said as much. The Heritage Foundation has SAID they're preparing to challenge it in every state if he withdraws.
If this is true then also the fault of Democrats (especially Biden) for refusing to fight any of this for over 20 years. If this gives cause to refuse to politically engage, then it's already over and they lost. Democrats are inept, anyone who believes otherwise is in denial.
Great. Then throw your hands in the air and cede the field to the fucking devil. GREAT idea.
That's what Democrats have done for decades and continue to do now. What other options are out there? Where are the social movements in the streets? Why aren't Democrats leading in protests like Republicans do for their fascistic causes?
Because they are craven cowards. DUH. Why aren't YOU out there leading a social movement out there in the streets, oh guru? MAYHAP BECAUSE LEADING A REVOLUTION ISN'T A SIMPLE & EASY THING TO DO IN A NATION OF 350 MILLION? We are a fucking LEVIATHAN. We are a MASSIVE SHIP, & we turn SLOWLY.
I'm not the sitting President constantly warning that democracy is on the line. The Supreme Court didn't just give me king-like powers. The press doesn't report on everything I say/do. So, to try to somehow put the onus on a powerless worker shows an ignorance of social movements.
Don’t worry, snarky social media replies will solve all that. Focusing on reality is a huge waste of time.
Biden doesn't have king-like powers. The powers are dependent on approval from the supreme court who would not give such approval to President Biden but would to a president Trump.
She just described a bunch of fuckery committed by republicans at the state level, and your big brain reply is to blame Democrats for not preemptively “fighting” the ability to file these challenges. 🤡
And who has been the only alternative, the only counterweight to put in a genuine effort to stop them? If you don't like what's happening you have to ask, how did this get to this point, and why did it get here? This isn't preemptive. It's nearly 50 years of liberals becoming the party of Nixon.
Disgust at Democrats' ineptitude is hardly a reason to consign millions of us to the fate of what a Trump victory means. Yes, Democrats suck. THEY SUCK LESS THAN THE REPUBLICANS. And that is what politics is. It's the sad reality of life. Dealing with the less sucky. Sorry. Welcome to reality.
Yep! We have the same in the UK, the Labour Party sucks less the the Conservative Party who have turned the country to into a pile of pish... so that's our choice. 🙄 A vote for Tories here is like a vote for Republicans over there, a level of hell not seen outside of 1930s Germany.
They suck several orders of magnitude less than the Republicans.
Agree, a lot of life is choosing the cream of the crap.
Sadly I think they wanted Trump around easy to beat and they raise a lot of money off fear of him.
50 years of this logic is what got us here. Four more years of Biden isn't going to fix this.
Love and Robots, perhaps the final episode, portrays the extinction of the human race. It's hilarious!
🤡🤡🤡 clown shit
Okay, fine, the Dems share some blame for this because of their fecklessness. That doesn't change the underlying fact that literally the only bulwark against full-on fascism, under which you personally will be a target for incarceration or execution for your political beliefs, is the Dem party.
There's a funny little thing. If the purpose of your side is to preserve the rules, and the purpose of the other side is to destroy them, failing to play by the rules means they win either way. There is no good solution here, but give Dems a trifecta, and see what improves.
For reference, every state with a Dem trifecta treats sexual orientation as a protected class. All but one have protections for gender affirming care. All permit abortion. No, Dems are not perfect, but they're far better than the alternative.
Agree this is a huge problem … but at least, in Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court is split 4-3 in favor of the Democrats, and that court isn’t shy about taking action to straighten out electoral politics - they tossed out the State legislative maps last year.