Matt Barlowe

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Matt Barlowe

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Give me the confidence of a fiction writer to chide others in areas they have no expertise in
"Children are born psychopaths" is a) not supported by evidence, and b) some bullshit. Brought to you by an exchange that made me remember the phrase, "Lord, give me the confidence of an inferior white man."
Nah kids are pure psychopaths and it’s society that makes them halfway decent
When children tease, they are imitating the adult world. And they are using their only power -- ridicule -- to try and impose the racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and other prejudices of the world, wherever they can. It's why "anti-bullying" campaigns do not work.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
If Democrats are confused about how to handle tough questions about their nominee's fitness for office, they can just look at the thousands of examples of Republicans avoiding, deflecting, and redirecting similar questions about Trump over the past 8 years.
Leftists for the record have been agitating against Biden as the nominee for a long time and intensified efforts during the primary It's the center-left elites that were fine with Biden up until the second the media began asking them hard questions
lol no you just present a united front and ride out the bad press like the republicans have done with every single trump scandal
sorry but this is just wrong. yes, there’s a bad faith media feeding frenzy. but *fifty million* people watched Biden sputter his way through that debate. it is not a creation of the media, it is a real problem.
Can’t speak for arts but twitter definitely was a a way to break into sports analytics cause everybody who was anybody was there. One of my first well known projects was built using the twitter API! And now that just doesn’t exist
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
I love how the Democratic Party has just decided to implode after one bad debate performance six months away from the election
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
Wtf does this mean? Also maybe they shouldn’t have immunity for official acts
Breaking news: The Supreme Court rules presidents have "absolute" immunity for clearly official acts. “There is no immunity for unofficial acts,” the ruling states. Follow live updates:
Live updates: Supreme Court to rule on Trump immunity, social media The Supreme Court is ruling Monday on whether Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for his efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
Anyone who says Biden should step down aren’t serious people.
American Airlines has the worst in flight WiFi
Lol it’s fucking fake my guy
While I agree that Trump's treason and criminality have been normalized by mainstream media in dangerous ways, the concern about Biden isn't a manufactured panic. If you watched Biden say "we finally beat Medicare" and think the panic is fake, I'm not sure what to tell you.
Not gene parmesan! I bet it’s a ruse because he’s on a case
Literally nobody is saying this other than editorialists trying to drum up attention
Analysis by Aaron Blake: Thursday night's debate has led to calls for Biden to step aside from the election, including from those loyal to him. Making a change would be far from easy. But here’s who has surfaced before — and could again.
Analysis | 10 options if Democrats actually try to replace Making a change would be far from easy, despite concerns about President Biden’s debate performance. But here’s who has surfaced before — and could again.
Just ate a 40 day dry aged ny strip. It was pretty good
It’s just hard for me to fathom how people aren’t aware of where the two presidential candidates stand on the issues
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
Should be national news: - Cop accused of grooming & raping 15 year old - Two other cops had sex with her in cop cars - She gets pregnant, found dead - Cop was last one to see her alive, in apt where she was found - Ruled suicide with no tests on DNA evidence - No criminal charges against anyone
That’s not how the first amendment works
Not a first amendment issue. A foreign country or entity has no 1st amendment right. Further, the 1st A is not coverage for harming citizens of the US. Someone looking over your shoulder to steal your bank password, or other nefarious intent is NOT protected.
My model says the oilers win probability is 50/50 either they win or they don’t
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
UPDATE: The Florida Panthers have now been outscored 15-4 in the Stanley Cup Finals since Trump endorsed them. #ETTD
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
Allred is still out there scamming people. His new grift is pumping up the AI hype while conveniently selling incredibly expensive classes that you have to take or get left behind the AI wave. Just an awful human being I hope he gets shingles multiple times
I got blocked by a person because I told them I trust the Reason magazine more than the police
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lnav is a lifesaver for navigating and analyzing log files on Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Unix systems! It's like having a superpower for troubleshooting. 😎
Removing the top 1000 of a distribution would change where the mid point of that distribution is whether that changes the value would be unknown without having the full distribution.
The median income in the US is $74,500. If you exclude the top 1000, it’s still $74,500, because that’s how medians work you fucking knob.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Barlowe
I’m always amazed when people post about how AI wrote 80% of their code for an app. So can a medium article, that’s the easy part it’s the other 20% that you’re paying people for
Sources say candidates in the Carolina GM search have been notified that the team plans to fill the role internally. Believe that means Eric Tulsky will become the next #Canes GM. He has been interim GM since Don Waddell resigned to join #CBJ. #CauseChaos @DailyFaceoff
If Apple wants me to stop buying their products this is a good way to start!
Apple officially launched itself into the artificial intelligence arms race, announcing a deal with ChatGPT-maker OpenAI to use the company’s technology in its own products, including the Siri voice assistant.
Apple jumps into the AI arms race with OpenAI The iPhone maker has mostly stayed on the sidelines as the tech industry goes wild for AI. Not anymore.