Steven desJardins

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Steven desJardins

DC native, science fiction fan, COVID-cautious, living in Penn Quarter. I am vegetarian, have ankylosing spondylitis, and am a fan of the Criterion Channel. I spent four months of Budapest in 1986, and am I still trying to learn the language.
I wish to apologise to Sir Keir Starmer for calling him a shaved stoat penis. I was wrong and most humbly beg his pardon. As the evidence below has clearly shown, this was a false allegation and he is not a stoat penis
Given that a stoat penis has a baculum to provide rigidity and Starmer has not displayed any evidence of a backbone whatsoever, that's a bit of a slander on mustelid genitalia.
I think this is the first person on here to point out that Biden could now "legally" order the IRS to release Trump's tax returns. Good point.
Add "public release of the tax returns of Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization, all Trump children and their spouses and any other place that Trump money might be hiding" to the list of official acts that Biden might take here.
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
It’s a balmy 89 degrees so I took my dinner up to the rooftop patio.
In response to Governor Hochul's and Mayor Adams's push to ban masks, NYC Dyke March has updated its policies to require masks.
Sometimes, that which does not kill you only makes it easier for the next thing to get you
I can't approve of making such an important decision without having a large enough sample to be statistically significant.
I am against capital punishment but I think they should publicly execute exactly one phone scammer just to see how I feel about it then
I attended a lecture and Q&A by Antonin Scalia when I was in college, and got the impression of a moderately smart guy who thought he was an exceptionally smart guy, and who was delighted to be challenged with dumb questions because it confirmed (to himself) that his detractors were not very smart.
1/ Rush Limbaugh made a comedy show about finding the dumbest things his dumbest political enemies were saying and doing, and amplifying it as if that was the entirety of what his political enemies were saying and doing.
My grandma met my grandpa because they chained the fire exit doors at her job, she was concerned about retaliation for whistleblowing, and "seduce the fire marshal so he picks you up for a date from work and sees the chained doors" is a viable strategy. They were married for many happy years.
documentary filmmakers need to realize that some of their viewers will be at a certain age and would very much like it if they kept re-indentifying people from earlier scenes, like over and over
I learned a lot about how politics actually work from watching Jesse not get stuff done. You need to have a list of things that are centrally important to you, that you won't compromise on, and a list of things where you have a preference, but you'll consider moving if it gets you what you want.
Make a movie milder: Godzilla, Minus Godzilla
Make a movie milder: The Shawshank Improvement
I don't even it think it worked well for Clinton, he won his election but I think the muddled message hurt us in Congressional races and future elections. Campaigning can't just be about winning a single race, it has to be about setting the party up for future success.
I really think it’s because they’re operating from a centrist playbook that worked for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and hasn’t been updated for 21st century sensibilities.
As a result, there's a scene where the character of Richard Todd (played by Patrick Jordan) appears alongside the actual Richard Todd (playing Major Howard). Meanwhile, the REAL Major Howard was on set as the film's technical advisor.
The latest hilarious development today on the Feeding Our Future bribe attempt came via the morning email from the yet another juror had to be excused. This one because she called her family to say she was being sequestered and they said, "is this because of the bribe?"
I did it, I did the thing. Now I can make excuses about not doing anything for the rest of the day
Have one minor task to accomplish later in the afternoon. Better accomplish nothing all day while anticipating this.
If there is one thing I'm not equipped to handle, it is situations. So I would simply rather not
I'm getting the 'rich people do fraud' stuff this morning, and the answer as a professional is that the common person intuition that we don't do enough enforcement against fraud is correct but the intuition that most rich people are engaged in some level of knowing fraud is wholly wrong
Speaking from having read every marginal annotation in 350 Renaissance copies of Lucretius (esp the heavily annotated sex bits), rendering nuances of ‘fuck’ in properly Classical Latin has been a major goal of scholarship for a good 600 years.
I keep thinking about the fact that our current equal protection jurisprudence looks like this: Bad People: we want to discriminate against…uh, the people most likely to have sickle cell anemia SCOTUS: well that’s not race, is it? Bad People: oh no, just strongly correlated with it
If you see this, QT with a famous landmark you’ve seen.
If you see this, QT with a famous landmark you’ve seen
I do think that “almost everyone stopped smoking” may have something to do with rapidly changing standards for food in the US
I do absolutely think there's also a generational shift between people born in the 50s & 60s, who smoked a lot and thus literally destroyed their sense of taste, and those born in the 80s and 90s, where this is not the case. (People born in the 70s(hello) are somewhere in the middle)
Under British law, no pun, however terrible, is grounds for revoking a literary license. Some abuse this privilege more than others.
My favourite historical period to read about is between 1795 and 1837. However, it *was* the last period I studied. I'm suspect this may be Regency bias.
If this sign is a prank, it’s the best theater prank of all time
I’m watching a Chekhov play and so far there has been no violence but this sign was on the wall at the entrance, so…
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
I used to require all my lovers to have murdered at least a few people but was called out for promoting unrealistic body standards