Matthew Harrison

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Matthew Harrison

pizza advocate; english professor
hear me out: the kentucky demolition derby
not saying im in a bad mood, but i'm getting pissed off at the anachronism in my novelty bandage
Laura Kolb has a bit something like that in her The Very Modern Anger of Shakespeare’s Women (for the public audience)
listening to a development officer for my university work on 'estate planning' for a couple across from me, and the scorn with which he just enunciated the word PRES-BY-TER-I-AN was a work of art. making real clear that he's not one of them liberals.
yeah, and he's not particularly funny
unapologetic self-promotion time! my essay on Pericles, vulnerability, prostitutes, republicans, Covid-19, and textual editing is out! very very chuffed about this one. like so chuffed. free eprint for those without access:
(forgot alt text, so the key quote here: When we laugh at the two bawds’ response to Marina, part of what we laugh at is at our own implausible hope that being good (being moral, being skilled) might be enough to save us from the wind and the waves.)
i can only write when the writing is fun. i need the goofy enthusiasm of figuring something out or putting it aptly into words. it took decades to realize that instead of feeling guilty for being unable to write when it's not fun, i should find more ways to find the fun.
on the plus side, i love how English profs use vivid nouns and verbs that don't relate to each other at all. rich roots, a fretwork of zones, an impasse that projects... can't do THAT if you have to say something both true and interesting, now can you?
(yes, the self-ridicule is intended. i am WRITING rn)
that Eco citation is wildly out-of-context.
double-posted this on twitter, too, because it's not particularly funny but i want attention.
i don't know who needs to hear this, but if you ever wanted to call someone an effeminate, wanton, milke-sop, perfumed ladies-courting courtier, the correct italian word is nimfadóro, but if they're more of a mocker, a skoffer, a flouter, a tickler, a wanton, or a fumbler, you better say ruzzatore.
i don't know who needs to hear this, but if you ever wanted to call someone an effeminate, wanton, milke-sop, perfumed ladies-courting courtier, the correct italian word is nimfadóro, but if they're more of a mocker, a skoffer, a flouter, a tickler, a wanton, or a fumbler, you better say ruzzatore.
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
happy giant spider in my shower day to all who celebrate!
i no longer believe in new york. nothing that comes out of that city seems true.
Happy birthday to Artemisia Gentileschi. born July 8, 1593
Yeah, though I'm less certain than you are that right censoriousness would be much different in the absence of left censoriousness. There are multiple political histories here (Tipper Gore; the Moral Majority; etc) and they interact in complicated ways.
Free expression has always had legal, moral, and social boundaries, and every few decades there's a blow-up over where those should be and what mechanisms should enforce them. We may learn "very little enforcement for me; lots of enforcement for those terrible people" is not a stable equilibrium.
In his defense, he initially wrote that sentence in 2009! (I do agree that we're at another cultural moment where the question of immoral/dangerous/unpopular speech is being legislated. )
i do think reasonable people might be capable of disagreeing with him on this particular point, yes.
My university president: “Tolerance has become a synonym for thoughtlessness or life without principle. “
crap! i was at the tailor today and forgot to say “Don’t look, but I think I’m being tailed.”
It’s beautiful to watch the flow of an idea as it diverges over centuries of cultural exchange and interaction
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
the charismatic megafauna are turning against us.
this is wild.
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here:
the Volokh stuff is almost funny. they're so miffed that he asked for a job and somewhere wasn't interested.
so gross. (and their data tables are seem deliberately confused, in order to obscure that (by my count) the Black people in their charts fared worse than the white men, by percentage of interviews turned into offers.)
For the record, on 2017 twitter, this would have gone so viral
robert greene claims panthers love human dung so much that if you hang some dung above their heads out of their reach, "he sooner killeth himselfe with the ouer-stretching of his windlesse bodie, than he wil cease from his intended enterprise." this is the best account of academia i have ever read