Matthew Harrison

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Matthew Harrison

pizza advocate; english professor
crap! i was at the tailor today and forgot to say “Don’t look, but I think I’m being tailed.”
It’s beautiful to watch the flow of an idea as it diverges over centuries of cultural exchange and interaction
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
this is wild.
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here:
For the record, on 2017 twitter, this would have gone so viral
robert greene claims panthers love human dung so much that if you hang some dung above their heads out of their reach, "he sooner killeth himselfe with the ouer-stretching of his windlesse bodie, than he wil cease from his intended enterprise." this is the best account of academia i have ever read
robert greene claims panthers love human dung so much that if you hang some dung above their heads out of their reach, "he sooner killeth himselfe with the ouer-stretching of his windlesse bodie, than he wil cease from his intended enterprise." this is the best account of academia i have ever read
i remain convinced that everyone in america would watch simone biles try fencing and then prepare her famous Healthy Pasta Bake
i still think each country should get only 24 athletes for the olympics and they should all live in a big house, play three sports a day, with their nights for their choice of a makeover show or a cooking competition.
i still think each country should get only 24 athletes for the olympics and they should all live in a big house, play three sports a day, with their nights for their choice of a makeover show or a cooking competition.
Big Bird is a canary?!
There used to be a massive international market for pet canaries. From 1840-1940, the US imported 2 to 3 times as many canaries as all other birds combined. Canaries have gone out of fashion, but we still have Tweety and Big Bird as reminders of how popular they used to be.🪶🗃️
America’s Favorite The craze for canaries lasted for more than a century, with imports reaching half a million birds each year. But even after they went out of style, the canary's impact on culture remains.
me: thank goodness for my adhd medicine. i couldn't focus without it! also me: now i must read every poem addressed to an "amanda" in 17th century print.
Just making sure you’ve all seen this. Artist Chavis mármol has crushed a Tesla with a giant Olmec head sculpture and I think it is very, very beautiful
Saw the Immersive Impressionist exhibit and now I hate art.
i have dolly parton's 9 to 5 running through my head repeatedly. it's enough to make me crazy, if i let it.
this is completely tangential but I googled the book and got this which I think if anything proves your point:
At the dentist’s office, and they’re playing the bad dental care verse of a country song. Wondering if this is a playlist.
the decline of twitter has made my life so much harder my head starts to explode if i don't get to say "Ella Phantsgerald" to a few hundred people every six months
How about some good abortion news ... out of Texas??? Last night, the Amarillo City Council rejected an anti-abortion ordinance backed by Jonathan Mitchell and Mark Lee Dickson. Congrats to the Amarillo Repro Freedom Alliance, who worked incredibly hard to block this fuckery.
Amarillo council rejects anti-abortion ordinance, could go to After another six-plus hour marathon session, the Amarillo City Council voted 4-1 to reject the original and amended versions of the “Sanctuary City of the Unborn" ordinance.
My editor keeps cutting out the moments where my style is very irritating. How dare she. Irritating /is/ my style.
one highlight of my uk trip: trying to figure out what this menu thought cuban food was:
Trying to explain the Princess and the Pea to the kid: it’s about a woman who was so bad at sleeping that they made her a princess…
imagine if they put on plays by other authors with as many incoherent pelvic thrusts as they do with Shakespeare.
kiddo just explained that it was mommy's fault that he wasn't going to sleep because she let him watch too much tv this is not a great negotiating strategy, he'll find.
i listen to one MF Doom video, and all of a sudden the YouTube algorithm is calling me, all "I know EXACTLY what kind of white nerd you are."
meanwhile, the last two months of my semester have been more like this poem, from which i am again not quoting the good lines:
it is impossible to tweet about this poem, because my favorite parts are the title, a bit at the end, and the voice that is somehow deadpan but alive:
Enough with these three-year projects that sound flashy and use the latest technology but are obsolete even before the project is done, leaving a trail of underemployed postdocs behind.
In light of’s passing, it’s worth revisiting him struggling with his past as an edgelord. His desire to be better than his past is something we should all try to emulate.
Love what google is up to these days
a week away from taking students to the UK and feeling all the stress run through my body at once.