
Vote (or don’t!) for who you want but the advice I’ve found most helpful is to vote for your easier target — you’re not picking who you like, you’re picking who is even slightly more persuadable. And having spent years yelling at both Trump and Biden, I’ve only seen Biden move on any of it.
My personal experience with electoral politics is that at all levels of govt I’m going to have to organize, persuade and scream at electeds on most issues. Some will never hear me, some might. I do not expect everyone to have this same relationship with politics. We’re all doing what we can do.
Anyway this is not a lecture or a scold in any way. Like I said we’re all doing what we can. I’m just sharing because it helped me frame my thinking on our terrible system so maybe it’s helpful for someone else.
I made these stickers to wear at the polls instead of the cheery I VOTED! ones
how can we get some? 👀
In a perfect world, voting for the Iraq War Resolution would be a disqualifying blemish for any presidential candidate. But I’ve had to vote for 3 such Democrats in my lifetime because they still exhibited better judgement than the preposterous Republican alternative.
Either the War Resolution is disqualifying, or Bush and Company need to go to prison for deliberately lying us into war atrocity. You can't keep claiming that you were lied to if you don't attempt to prosecute someone for lying to you.
A lovely balance of grim resignation and hope. Thank you
Truly what I strive for in most things!
Thank you for the work you do fighting for tax fairness, maura. You're a hero.
Thank you! Which would be easier: getting Biden to do more of what you want, or getting Trump to do less of what he wants? Trump always and only does what he wants.
Trump is piloted by a stew of personality disorders. He can never be persuaded because his decision-making process is fundamentally irrational.
While I am far from a Biden groupie, you can see that there is a group of people in the cabinet that he listens to that have pushed him further to the left than every President after Carter. People have things backwards. Threatening not to vote is a shortcut to being completely ignored.
When politicians make policy decisions, the voters that they try to please (insomuch that they consider voters at all) are voters that voted for them, and are almost certain to vote for them again. If you want your policies to be considered, deliver a reliable bloc of voters or campaign help($).
The ability to listen and change their thoughts/actions is THE most important quality of a public official, yet people will use it as evidence of inconsistency or lack of a moral core.
I agree, except for the "or don't" part. Not voting is not an option this time.
I disagree. People should always practice their right to vote. Not practicing voting makes you pretty much invisible.
Not sure what you disagree with, I'm simply not posting a lecture about voting that most people have already seen.
So you'd have no problem voting for the fascist/white supremacist/rapist candidate if only he were a bit more persuadable on your pet issues? Do I have that right?
Hard to tell if you're an angry person who lacks any reading comprehension or just a worthless, pointless troll, but either way, bye and have a nice day.
Have a nice day seems uncalled for.
I wouldn't want to troll anyone who puts "tax policy" in their bio. All the tax policy experts I knew years ago were incredibly smart and informed people.
I'm someone who thinks another Trump term would be the end, essentially, be the end of American democracy, and in that context find Biden's "persuadability" to be a laughably inconsequential reason to vote for him, or anyone, given what's at stake.
I vote worthless troll, for the record. And I vote with my block.
lol did you make an account just to say that. what a disingenuous & uncritical thing to say
I read this with no context and have no idea which candidate you're talking about