Maureen Ogle

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Maureen Ogle

Historian. Author. Ranter. Idea junkie
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150+ Black-headed Gulls made their presence known in the foggy start to the day at Upton Warren this morning. #UKBirding #UKWildlife
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Nice strong rainbow tonight in Santa Rosa, with a faint double rainbow above it. Up close, it was one of the most vibrant I've ever seen, plus lasted fairly long.
Speaking of which: what is a good alternative for basic “news”? I cancelled my WaPo subscription (because it’s pretty much one big advice column). I would love the option to buy only specific parts of a “newspaper.”
I wish we had more thriving newspapers to read and discuss so that fewer of them could be The New York Times
I wish we had more thriving newspapers to read and discuss so that fewer of them could be The New York Times
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I just watched a season of the Detectorists and its gentle, low-key British humor seems to be the exact opposite of this Dune vibe that everyone is on about.
I’ll be damned. I finally found the birders.
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Lucy comin’ for all you mudder fudgers!!!! She told me yesterday: “I eat hoo-mans! Tasty hoo-mans. I getchu now.” She is very tiny and fierce. 🪶
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Before today I had never gotten a single swallow in flight shot, today I got over a dozen keepers. 🪶
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Alexey Navalny's grave is somewhere under all these flowers. If you ask me, this single image disproves the trolls, bots, and propagandists who spent more than a decade insisting that Navalny is a political nobody exaggerated by Western outsiders.
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Was on way back from DC to Davis & flew out of DCA. Had a few hours to kill & went for a walk on the Mt. Vernon Trail which goes right by DCA. On that walk got some nice pics of a cardinal. I realize they are common birds around DC but just wanted to remind people, they are spectacular.
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Green Heron. Robert Havell, 1836. National Gallery of Art. #MarshMadness #SciArt 🪶
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So pleased to see the Sandwich Terns are back! One of my favourite families. There were 4 zooting around on the sea today, great shapes they make too. #birds
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Avatar is an awesome page all about herons! I live in the PNW so they’re always around somewhere…. Sneaky guys. Anyways, I drew one slightly stylized in my own unique style. #blueheron #birdart
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She acknowledges his efforts Without much fanfare, he departs, hopefully to find his own catch… He has left her dinner — she dined 🥰📷🪶
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I left them perched and preening, moving on to give them space… I notice one dropped to a lower perch and lost sight of both of them I continue… when suddenly‼️ I hear a sudden and terrifying shriek, one, TWO hawks swoop by me… Giant rodent in tow 🐀 Instincts take over, I grab my camera 📷 🪶
Wow. Serious jaw drop.
A short hike through a local park after sprinkles led to a lovely encounter with our favorite red-shouldered hawk pair that fledged two babes last year So…BirdSky gets a love story… As afternoon light got low, the canyon animals shrieked in alarm as both hawks arrive… Mating ensued… I voyeured 📷🪶
Or, who knows? Maybe not? New normal? Humor aside, sounds like a way of saying: this won’t screw up driving patterns. Carry on!
“No threat to the public” feels like an odd thing to say after 7 people just got shot.
Another misty, frosty morning out there today 🌱📷
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Alfred Kubin, Into the Unknown, 1900-01
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I'm an optimist, and spend way more time than is healthy thinking about the law and power systems generally, so when I say this, I mean it after consideration: if he wins, everyone and everything is sincerely fucked in a way nobody alive today has seen in their lifetimes, and it won't be repairable
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SCOTUS's decision to take up Trump’s claim that the president is immune from criminal prosecution is not surprising, shocking, or dismaying. But a few things have happened along the way that made the reaction to its order late yesterday more emotionally weighted than it might otherwise have been.
What To Make Of The Supreme Court Taking Trump’s Immunity Case? INSIDE: Donald Trump ... Mark Meadows ... Mitch McConnell
Some good news on this Day After SCOTUS Fucks Us Over Again: A third season of Hacks is on the way!!! I assumed it was a two and done deal. Deliriously happy to learn there will be a third season.
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Stunning image. Painterly in the best way.
Breathtaking sunrise! Bowman Lake © Brian Venghous
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Breathtaking sunrise! Bowman Lake © Brian Venghous
Am writing 2 books, and editing a manuscript for a family friend. Thus I’ve little incentive these days to wander through social media. (Because books don’t write themselves.) Bad timing as I am only just settling in here + enjoy social media. Someday, however!
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I’m more of an unfluencer if we’re being honest.
This keeps going around so here’s some additional information: such birds were available by the 1940s.
This is the best film complaint I’ve ever seen