
Me, a bedwetter: There is plenty of time for the Democratic Party to choose a viable candidate from amongst several strong options. All can beat Trump. You, strong, wise: No, the only one who can win is the man who 72% of Americans don’t believe has the cognitive ability to do the job.
Biden steps down and we get Trump. Simple as that. Bedwetting will only lead there.
This is the most annoying moment in political conversation I can remember.
Choosing a new candidate sure worked for the Democrats in 1968. No reason it can't work now. Oh, wait...
Yeah. Let’s ignore the challenges to getting a replacement on the ballot in all 50 states. And pray they survive vetting at a presidential level that they haven’t gone thru before with no time for replacement number 2. Great plan.
what’s your plan if Biden dies of natural causes between now and the convention?
Vote for the dead man. (Aka Harris). It’s fucking perfect.
seems like Harris could easily be the candidate if he steps down then
Yeah. But racism that we can sidestep if she isn’t at the top of the ticket becomes an issue. Remember we had Obama and the response was Trump.
I do not know how to process what you are trying to argue. Obama won the electoral college twice.
ok, Joe will step down!Kamala will be the pres Joe can work w her till Jan 20 She will appoint a VIce pres, Shapiro, Gretchen, Gavin, Sherrod Wes dems will vote for her and she’ll already be the pres w experience Everyone will vote for her, she’s wonderful Joe Elder statesmen No convention probs