Billy Suter

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Billy Suter

I live sweat, but I dream light-years. Cats, guitars, and baseball cards. He/his.

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Not many people filled with insatiable curiosity these days. Disgusting
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Holy shit. I just found that Adam West, who famously played Batman in the 1966 TV series, also played millionaire Bruce Wayne. What a talented actor.
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music its just... so good... yoiu know?
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If you’re a writer, it’s important to take regular breaks. Gradually increase their frequency and duration. Eventually you will have stopped writing altogether, and can take your place as a normal, decent member of society.
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My wonderful friend Amber interviewed me about my creative process and the automotive themes in my new book, We Deserve This
if you haven't already ordered We Deserve This from, go do that. then, while you're waiting for it to arrive, read this little interview about the book
'Be Genuine, Make Art' An Interview With We Deserve This Author Victoria Victoria Scott tells us all about how the book came together, and what kinds of art she hopes it'll spark
Everybody be quiet! Grace is on the phone.
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BREAKING: Double Entendre Society reports huge growth in members
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brb getting all these tattoos at once
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buckaroos know this classic way
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you are relaxed and sitting sitting helps you focus focus on these words these words help you relax you relax in a familiar place the familiar place has stairs the stairs lead to a door the door feels calm feeling calm makes you open you open the door you get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur
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Avatar Check out the box for these!
Danish Go-Rounds (1968-1976): Kellogg's attempt to market a toaster pastry to adults--referring to them as 'toaster pastries, all grown up,'-- these spiraled ropes of dough were filled with a fruit filling and topping with icing.
This is Mrs. Florence Bell, the first nurse to go to the Royal Veterinary College of London. This is a cigarette card from my collection and on the back it says “the more she sees of humans, the better she likes animals”. 1938.
Avatar Did you see the guitar I posted today?
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i breathe as much as i possibly can when i'm driving past a graveyard. i'll be at the wheel huffin and puffin like crazy, gettin dizzy, and dude the ghosts HATE it, they get so mad
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country songs used to be like "it's funny how i'm drinking myself to death here" and "funny how i work here and always fall in love with guys like him" and now they're all "i own a $95,000 truck" and "i support the US giving material, intelligence and logistical support for the liquidation of gaza"
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make a band less mild ten thousand fuckin maniacs
make a band less mild Red Hot Ghost Peppers
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The band was originally called They Might Be Giants Who Are Really Far Away Or They Might Be Tiny People Who Are Close Up But They're Probably Just Regular Sized Dudes At A Pretty Normal Distance, but it wouldn't fit on the album cover