
I love how the letter from the Chair of Tesla's board calculates Elon "created over $735 billion in value" by stopping their count at December 31, 2023. The stock has fallen 28% since then, losing $225 billion in value.
Next year, “Elon worked really really REALLY hard and thinks we should give him ownership of everything on the planet."
He’s just like us! He just wants a well deserved raise! Frankly, I think the suits owe it to enterprising chap.
It's too bad all the people he put on insane deadlines that came through are erased. It's like podcast where every grt rich scheme involves someone doing work for you for next to nothing
And there are so many losses to come after their July robotaxi announcement fails to offer anything substantive within the next two years.
Yeah they’re planning to sell before then
No one involved thinks there is any long term value in the company. Even the board thinks like people planning to sell to bag holders.
Even if you actually believed that the current company value is real and not a house of cards are they really claiming that every dollar of its value is 100 percent created by him as CEO? Why don't they fire every single employee then since they add no value?
the deflation of the musk-driven meme stock will be tough whether now or later. but it will come either way so some of the decision is do you want a viable company afterward or not.
Don’t forget a max, he wants this money so he can colonize Mars and save humanity. Not clear to me why 58b is enough money to create livable conditions on Mars but not, you know, fix shit here.
$225 billion so far. . .
Can’t imagine being this in the bag for someone, let alone an objectively gross piece of shit like this guy. My family would abandon me.
The ruse is that he didn’t actually create any value. The stock price is not at all representative of the value of the company. Far from it. This is on par with Trump claiming his penthouse was 30,000 sq ft when it was actually 10,000.