
they need to invent beaming à la Star trek
this plane is already an hour behind schedule and my layover is only 3 hours. I hate flying, man.
Me: the transporter is a suicide machine, I will never use it. Also me: omg fuck this airport, fuck this plane, fuck this no leg room ... beam me the fuck up Scotty
I mean at least as I understand it the “transporter” doesn’t transport anything - it reads you, erases you, and then writes a copy somewheres else
I think the canonical explanation is: a subject's matter is converted into energy, the energy is beamed, and then it is reconstructed into matter, and so it is still "you." Various incidents that have occurred on the show demonstrate this can't be correct, and it's really creating copies.
More than once, a transporter incident has caused the subject to "split" into two versions. That simply isn't possible if the final output is generated solely from the original matter; there isn't enough matter. It's entirely possible if the output is generated anew from other matter.
Usually it's a problem in the transport and they think the beaming didn't work so they reconstitute from a copy in the patten buffer and you end up with 2
See that's a thing that bugs me Why isn't it then a resurrection machine
What gets me is it's also an immortality machine and they don't use it. One ep had Picard and some others turned back into children by a glitch. Control that and you're eternally whatever age you wish
It also should be pretty much the only form of health care needed, emergency situations maybe aside
Star Trek cleverly glosses over the part where all of this is introduced while people also have social media, if you thought GMO and AI discourse was out of control just wait
Not a trekkie but I think the buffers aren't big enough and stable enough over long periods of time Also shouldn't transporters and replicators (which make their food) be the exact same tech?
In Discovery they have a character who is keeping his child in a transport buffer bc she has a terminal illness. It was the only way to preserve the time she has unti he can find a cure. (she does survive and later takes off with a celestial like being ala Westley)
On TNG, Scotty stayed in the buffer for 75 years.
It's strange new worlds and he has to constantly pull her out so that the pattern doesn't degrade
iirc Scotty also kept himself alive in a pattern buffer for decades until he was found in that one TNG episode
Like certain medicines can't be replicated but can be transported. Latinum seems the same, and tech manuals handwaved this as replicators operating at a lower resolution. So if you tried replicating yourself you'd be all blocky and pixelated. Didn't stop Odo from catching someone doing it anyway
I'm not one either but I liked tng enough to remember an ep where they explained having Scottie appear by having had him keep himself safe from a catastrophe in a buffer for decades on the ship or outpost he'd been on
IIRC it's handwaved that all their related tech (transporters, replicators, the holodecks) are based on the same basic breakthrough and there's a DS9 episode where 5-6 crew are saved from an exploding shuttle by storing them in the station's memory core, which uses up all the memory
Reasons. Reasons involving technobabble.
Like, I want to say in the Next Generation episode where they had the character of Scotty return, there was some technobabble about signal degradation, or rather, lack of it in Scotty's case.
Yeah, but Scotty was a genius, so yeah. A better example might be the episode where Picard, Keiko, Guinan, and Ro all got turned into kids.
Usually they don't store patterns long terms ...they degrade over time although exceptions
"Will Riker splits in two and his transporter clone goes on to pose as the original in order to steal a warship for some Federation separatists" remains one of the coolest plotlines they've ever done.
Also Lower Decks and Boimler's transporter clone going to work for Section 31.
I thought Boimler's transporter clone stay aboard the Titan, and original Boimler got put back on the Cerritos.
Tuvix is particularly interesting, because Tuvix had the same mass of Tuvok and Neelix combined, which would suggest the transporter is indeed reconstructing the original matter, even when things go awry!
Yeah that's one of the handwaviums. It's YOUR atoms, deconstructed the code to reassemble and your matter converted to energy 'beamed' over and reassembled.
That was one of the most unjust things Janeway ever did as captain. Also, what happened to the orchid when they separated??
There was also that episode with Barclay with the weird transporter worms where they seemed to show that you remain conscious and aware throughout transport.
Tuvix had to die because he was soooo annoying.
On that note:
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So Willy Wonka murdered Mike TV? More like negligent homicide, but still.