
Can’t make Trump’s unfitness for office the talking point: that’s “boring”. So, gotta go with what gets the attention now, and that’s arguing that Biden is unfit. Once again: there are legitimate questions about Biden, but the attack dogs are more interested in controversy than enlightenment.
These are not "mistakes." They are strategies. And they're coming from the top.
Who honestly has juice this late in the game to step in if Biden steps out? I'm not sure anyone else has a better chance at this point.
Ratings are the only thing they care about and we need to make those ratings, clicks, views, whatever tank. Want to change what media is talking about? Everyone needs to ignore them for a few days, maybe a couple weeks.
Exactly. They're news "makers," not journalists.
Do the network news geniuses realize people have been tuning out in droves by now?
I have a novel idea. How about contrasting the Biden administration’s accomplishments against the vitriol of the GOP and what Project 2025 will mean for women’s rights not to mention the country as a whole.
Gods, I miss actual journalism.
Following Elon’s Twitter strategy. Anger = profits.
If we are going to asymmetrically assume that only Democrats will act with any level of responsibility, they should at least make that explicit.
The craziest thing to me is that if they actually put an ounce of energy into covering Trump's many scandals, it's all way more click/ratings generating stuff! I mean I guess they're downplaying that now so they can milk it for clicks until there's no more free press? Actively dooming us for $$$
And they pretend they're helpless to the whims of ~the story~
Their owners want Trump to win. 🤷🏼‍♀️
While Trump is a continual liar and cannot string together a single coherent sentence based on facts, he was very lucid in the debate. We have seen before that the American people believe Trump's pathological lying and narcissism are "fit" for office. Joe Biden demonstrated in the debate he was not.
The news needs articles to make money advertising so they pick the hot topic and they know that people are tired of reading about Trumpy.