Carl Jordan Mahaney

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Carl Jordan Mahaney

Architect turned Livable Streets Advocate, New York City (He/Him)
Today is World Emoji Day, so here's a reminder that we have 🚳 and 🚷 but not
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
A requiem for Andy Byford's ambitious $40 billion "Fast Forward" plan to improve and expand NYC transit after the 2017 "Summer of Hell"—finally at death's door thanks to Gov. Hochul's "indefinite pause" on congestion pricing — by
Hochul's Congestion Pricing 'Pause' Kicks Long-Awaited Transit Fixes to the Next Crisis - Streetsblog New York Kathy Hochul's congestion pricing "pause" threatens the commitments New York leaders made to the transit system after years of neglect.
Great to see an effort that started at the community board level get this kind of momentum in the state legislature. Daylighting really is a no-brainer and should be the standard across New York City.
'No-Brainer': State Pol Seeks Citywide Parking Ban Near Intersections - Streetsblog New York State lawmakers want to force the city's hand on universal daylighting.
Incredible line from MTA board member Norman Brown (a former Long Island Rail Road machinist and union delegate, later transportation policy scholar) from a longer pro-congestion-pricing retort at the board meeting: “If you live in the car, you think of the windshield as the end of your universe.”
Rep. Jerry Nadler, speaking during the public comment period at the MTA board meeting, calls Gov. Hochul’s halting congestion pricing “misguided, harmful and likely unlawful.” — Jose Martinez,
The Adams Administration Is Paving Community Compost Paradise for a Parking Lot On June 30, the City is evicting Big Reuse's award-winning community composting site in Long Island City for vehicle storage. "Does that make sense from a climate perspective?"
The Adams Administration Is Paving Community Compost Paradise for a Parking Lot - Hell On June 30, the Adams administration is evicting Big Reuse's award-winning community composting site in Long Island City for vehicle storage.
"Krueger said she is only willing to consider proposals that achieve the same goals as congestion pricing: providing $15 billion to the MTA, reducing traffic in Manhattan, and reducing emissions." Congestion pricing is supposed to start on Sunday. The only thing in the way is our Gridlock Governor.
Hochul Waves Away Questions on Congestion Pricing After the governor declined to answer questions, a New York Focus reporter was ejected from her event.
Today on Volts: Have you heard about Kathy Hochul's catastrophically stupid decision to suspend NYC congestion pricing? Well it's even stupider than you've heard. I dig in to the details & ramifications with state senator Liz Krueger & transpo wonk Justin Balik.
New York's congestion pricing New York City was on the cusp of (finally) implementing a congestion pricing program when Governor Kathy Hochul announced earlier this month that it would be “indefinitely delayed.” NY State Sen. Liz ...
No, Hochul didn't "get the long-term politics right" with congestion pricing. How many of these "strategists" realize that every global city with congestion pricing saw its popularity rise after implementation -- including among drivers who enjoy less traffic?
Yesterday was the last day of second grade, and this kid rode his bike to/from school every single day since September, through rain and snow and on gorgeous days too.  164 days, 984 miles 🥰 🚲
You've got to hand it to Gridlock Governor Kathy Hochul, she does have a way of bringing people together. Call and tell these folks millions of NYers are counting their leadership. We need Congestion Pricing NOW. Sen Schumer: 202-224-6542 Rep Jeffries: 202-225-5936 Sen Gillibrand: 212-688-6262
Also a good illustration of how many people can fit in the space of not much more than 25 cars.
This evening’s protest by the governor’s office in support of congestion pricing. Almost as many people at the back of the march too. Photo via Open NY.
At NYC comptroller Brad Lander's press conference—happening now—Columbia professor and environmental lawyer Michael Gerrard says they expect to file the first lawsuit in defense of the congestion-pricing plan within “a couple of weeks” (via Evan Simko-Bednarski, NYDN)
Stuck on an A train at 34th St because of a “loss of power” at Chambers. We can expect a lot more of this thanks to Gridlock Governor Kathy Hochul. Give her a call today and let her know NYC can’t function without reliable mass transit. We need congestion pricing NOW. ☎️ (518) 474-8390
Governor Hochul killing congestion pricing means the MTA turning to borrowing backed by operating money earlier than it planned to which means debt eating into the operations budget with means higher fares and reduced maintenance for riders
Hochul's Congestion Pricing 'Pause' Lets Drivers Off the Hook and Riders Holding the Bag - Streetsblog New York Kathy Hochul's decision to cancel congestion pricing for wealthier drivers means fare hikes and service cuts for working class transit riders.
The lesson: Public leaders (*ahem* Gov Hochul) who hear small biz complaints about congestion pricing, bike lanes, or bus lanes should ask if they’ve surveyed customers about how they travel. Because merchants generally have no idea how their patrons arrive.
If NYC small biz owners think congestion pricing will crush them, they should check their math. Shopkeepers consistently overestimate the share of customers who drive, undercounting those who walk, bike, or ride transit. Me in Vox 🧵
Good morning from the NYC subway where Gridlock Governor Kathy Hochul is trying to reduce service and raise fares bc a few wealthy suburbanites don’t want to pay $15 to bring their car into the city. Call her office today and tell her New Yorkers need congestion pricing now. ☎️ (518) 474-8390
If Hochul's decision stands, the long-term damage will be even greater than the immediate effects on climate policy and the MTA budget. It will send a message that there is no point even trying to come up with rational solutions to public problems.
Gridlock Governor Kathy Hochul is willing to screw over New Yorkers and damage NYC for decades, just to chase a few phantom suburban voters. The political ineptitude and cowardice is absolutely stunning.
MTA chair Lieber: “We’re going to fight like hell to make sure we don’t have to reduce service.” (!?)