meeting Mayz

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meeting Mayz

She/Her. Artist driven by her inquisitive mind to learn about psychology, politics, journalism and accessibility. My banner is pink coral at Vancouver Aquarium.
Je suis québécoise et j'habite à Montréal (Québec), Canada.
Is it worth mentionning that I have 6K hours in Sims 4 on my Resumé for a home decor store? Since the job market for communication is meh.
Drifting to sleep while writing, listening or reading something is wierd. One word expand into some funky side-quest into Dreamland. The level of coherence is the same as someone who's talking in their sleep. Just random words the brain is patching together without clear purpose.
J'ai longtemps cru que j'avais aucun symptôme: 1) parce que je pensais que ça s'arrêtait à la douleur et saute d'humeur; 2) que j'ai rarement ces symptômes; 3) que ça m'a pris du temps & théparies avant de considérer qu'il pourrait y avoir un le lien entre changements psychos et mes règles.🤷🏻‍♀️
Sooooo, I think there's a correlation between my periods and my insomnia (causes by my existential anxiety). Breeef, je crois bien qu'il y a une corrélation entre mes règles et mon insomnie, laquelle est causée par une anxiété existentielle. 🫠
Sooooo, I think there's a correlation between my periods and my insomnia (causes by my existential anxiety). Breeef, je crois bien qu'il y a une corrélation entre mes règles et mon insomnie, laquelle est causée par une anxiété existentielle. 🫠
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Hi there, I've been building tools trying to make alt text things easier for a few years, and lately especially thinking about what could make writing it more accessible. If you're open to talking what about is hard in DMs, I'd love to understand better. In progress, stalled by my brain cancer:
Alt Text Built For Building Image Descriptions
"You know. I think it's shit." It also has been two years since I worked in the restaurant business. Would be nice to have a "junk mail" for phone communication. 🙃
The track record for 34-felony administration should tell us anyone delusional enough to join him will end up in jail. Hey, instead of a Twitter data center, they should build a prison instead of a presidential library.
When I have insomnia, the following day, I either risk of not sleeping for two days, sleeping two days, and best case scenario, I manage to sync back on a normal schedule. It's currently 1h47 am. I'm rolling the dice.
The most annoying part about Facebook blocking news and political content is that 80% of my Facebook was interesting articles that I shared like a bookmark. I can't access it, and my vague or missing contextual comment can't help. Good thing I have a good memory, I just need the source.
Bah tiens, ça ne m'étonne pas que X trompe ses utilisateurs. Welp, not surprised that X is cheating its users.
Le réseau X "trompe" les utilisateurs avec ses coches bleues et viole les règles de l'UE, selon la Commission européenne.
Suggestion à Radio-Canada, ça serait sympa de placer vos balados, intéressantes, mais exclusives à OHdio, à l'horaire de nuit de ICI Première. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Who remember the time Joe Biden was mostly a subcategory of Obama memes, full of bromance and "it's okay Joe" "No Joe, don't punch him". I DO.
Why does this brand new wooden drawing board, plastic sealed, smells like bacon sandwich with extra olives. Pourquoi la nouvelle planche, en bois, de dessin, fermée hermétiquement sous un papier plastique, sent la sandwich au bacon avec extra olives? 😵‍💫 Dollorama.
USA Modern history = Anakin from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: 1) Very delusional 2) Only a Sith deals in absolutes = Two-party system 3) If you are not with me, then you are against me = Foreign policies 4) Fooled the Order, yet some had a bad feeling about them 5) Disagree with democracy. 🫣
McDonalds need to have a dedicated waiting spot, not blocking the restroom, nor the bin.
OMFG...I needed to be gentle with it. Ghaahhhhh!!
Trying to get inside my art studio, but the doorlock's is just not cooperating and it's messing my painting hand. 😭
Trying to get inside my art studio, but the doorlock's is just not cooperating and it's messing my painting hand. 😭
👀 I don't know YouTube. Will this lead to anything? like less ads? I hope you also record those selecting to "skip survey". Anyway, I answered, cuz I do love survey.
MDR! Mon chat qui se ramasse avec une touffe de poils dans la gueule pendant qu'elle mange ses croquettes. Baaaahh! Tiens! je ne suis pas la seule surprise par une touffe de poils volants dans sa bouffe. 🤪
Ugh...In spite of my excellent memory, it's so annoying to forget a brilliant idea before being able to write it down. I also forgot the specific terms for that encoding process. "help me neuropsychology, you are my only hope!"
Ah yes, the most excitingly plain non-controversial meal will surely appeal to undecided voters. (sarcasm) Sure is appealing for those voters in the sandwich industry. 🥪
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OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
Reminds me of how almost all the French dadaists and surrealists were WWI veterans of the trenches seriously exploring alternatives to conventional thought and language.
Waking up at 6am is always confusing in the summer. I'm like is this morning or evening? *I hardly see any shadows in both cases*
One more reason why the USA suck.
I share one recipe and end up with five recipe reels. Gosh, I'm starving.
Political expert on the US Presidential debate, this morning: - "I can only see 2 possible outcomes for this elections". LOL No shit, Sherlock! They only have two candidates: Early Dementia or Delusional Disorder with criminal record. I think Russia had more presidential "choice" than that.
Thanks Léa & Quebec's Human Rights Charter, which protect against any type of discrimination, a bar manager has to pay 2000$ to Léa, who they refused to hire, in 2017, because of her voice. Simply put, 'Old school' clients can't justify trans discrimination. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Une serveuse trans à qui l’on a refusé un emploi obtient 15 000$ en… Le tribunal ne retient pas l’excuse du gérant du bar, qui disait craindre pour sa sécurité vu sa clientèle vieux jeu.
Facebook ads: "Reduce mental toll with Microsoft 360" if it was a magical cure to a toxic work place.