Marshall 'Merdle' Cain

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Marshall 'Merdle' Cain

Writer, Nerd, Gamer.

Big into Tabletop and Card Games.
Ah, the Acolyte had a good finale imo. Im sure it aint for everybody, but it was very Star Wars. We got our saber battle, we got our hamfisted emotions. It was really just missing a better ship battle. Also, big High Republic Vern fans, I'm sorry your girl is being treated like this.
It is kind of wild that the election includes an old, racist, ableist, felon, known liar and cheat, that sympathizes and works with neo-nazis... But the election is 'close'? Talk about the most softball underhand election of all time, how is this even a problem?
On my mind right now is Veda. The end game of Visas, and it is what... Three cards, that really only synergize with Mannadium, but even then not really. It got one bit of support in Agov, which was last year, but since then Visas support in general went quiet.
Yugioh gets away with the wildest stuff. They will introduce a card in a set that clearly has no home and no synergy with anything currently released, hinting at future cards to make it work... then nothing will happen. It has to sit around waiting for someone to build jank with it four years later.
The oddest part of being an American in Canada is how often I will just... Go get medical tests taken. I have had blood work done multiple times just because a doc wanted to test my levels after a visit. I go get tests done if I'm feeling off. 10 years ago Me would be so confused.
Okay, well I'm on your side that no one should have attacked you for that.
Acolyte is pretty good, but it definitely isn't for everyone. It is a shame that the star wars hate train means people are wary of those who come out against the show. People feeling like they need to watch EVRYTHING is how ee got MCU superhero exhaustion.
Old age for sure. They are from 100+ years before anakin was a twinkle in the eye of the force.
It is annoying. Watch Star Wars content? How about some Alpha Male grifter videos with that? Oh you like video games, well then you definitely hate feminism! It is ridiculous.
Somehow still healthier than what many real cops do to their families.
The Acolyte episode 7 definitely fed me more and more Witch nonsense. But I'm surprised we didn't get to see how Mae got out in this episode. We don't have a lot of time left to get into what happened to her.
I like this idea that The Acolyte is setting up why the Jedi are under so much oversight in the prequels. They jank this up so hard that the Senate is going to be like... Look guys, maybe you have to follow the letter of republic law.
Last night I figured out camera edge panning, but today I need to figure out how I'm going to move around a group of guys like a little swarm, think Olimar and the Pikmin. I can barely get one character to move properly, moving a mob in gdscript may drive me mad.
I think part of the problem is they can't. I don't think there is a precedent for someone stepping down at this point, is there? He is locked in as the candidate, deadline has passed, short of dying he cannot be replaced. So him 'stepping down' would be quitting the race and giving it to trump.
I KNOW there is an easier way to do screen edge panning, but every godot guide on the topic is about click panning, and I was losing my mind so I decided to just do it the ugly way.
It is like 4am, but I've finally taken the time to finish unicorn overlord. Pretty sure I made those final bosses harder on myself than they needed to be. Thank goodness I hoarded so many items.
I have been trying to cut down on overeating and calories, all year in fact. But I am pretty sure that the cosmos is conspiring to halt my weight-loss progress. Last few months, I have been given free donuts no less than 6 times. Not a single donut either, it is always 3 to 12. Absolute madness.
Realizing I haven't really used Linkedin for like a decade. Had to log into it to help the wife, and saw posts from old classmates from college like... wow.
I can't understand how they are still trying to harsh the Acolyte's flow after Episode 5. Stubborn.
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Acolyte Episode 5 spoilers and such. Now THAT was some choreo. I think that is the most brutal Star Wars has allowed itself to be in a long while. Also, this is definitely going to solve people's problems with Ki-Adi-Mundi's lines in the prequels, no one will report this.
Stroll in the rain
I think Ahsoka didnt stick the landing. It was great up until some of the final bits. Also it could have made better use of Thrawn as a character.
True, Andor did have to spend time in a gnarly prison.
Anymore? When has anyone suffered consequences for past actions after switching sides in star wars? Usually they just die heroically or in an unrelated incident after everyone just accepts their side swap.
The Acolyte episode four has a whole lot of people googling the lifespan of Cereans, which is really magical.
I can't believe they opened the direct with a new Mario & Luigi, stellar stuff.