
a smug, self-satisfied college professor. what a treat for everyone
Even when it looks like an actual leftist push helped to stop a far-right government, it’s the leftists’ fault somewhere else
If you actually proposed doing what the French did, like voting for a leftist party, you would be accused of being a Russian bot for undermining the Democrats. It's almost like you can't compare us with other democracies because ours is fake!
We have an extremely unequal & restrained "democracy". It's not at all what the flowery words on parchment claim it is. We made great strides but the racists are now having a massive tantrum. Can't really make a comparison btwn parliamentary system & our ridiculous 2 party nonsense.
I genuinely can't take the amount of BlueNoMatterWho coded shit I've seen since the debate. Everyone trying to wishcast reality.
DO NOT incorrectly assume that this is a pattern of reversing nationalism. The UK Labor party has won a majority; but also after a 4+ yr campaign of purging actual socialists. The French Right has fallen short of a majority; but France has one of the most vocal ACTUAL left wing populace in Europe.
i made fun of him one time and 60 people blocked me in like 2 hours
First person to block me on here lol
What I want isn't on the ballot in America, Kevin
They're constitutionally incapable of understanding that getting Biden isn't "Getting what I want" or that "schoolbus theory" or whatever "Which bus is going closest to where you want to be?" when the bus comparison would be a bus from London to Oxford when you'd like to go to Portland, OR.
To be clear, I do intend to vote Biden, I see no harm in it (vs. not voting, to be clear), and I do see a LOT of harm in a potential Trump victory. But I'm so fucking exhausted with shitlibs who think him being the only fucking choice is a victory for democracy even if he wins.
[guy who has no fuckin idea what is happening in French politics]: See?! Voting for Biden works!
Like the French are particularly famous for rioting all the time.
And note his jumping to a conclusion before a sober analysis. The right didn't overwhelm but the left is stronger. More left policy, perhaps? Prof: this was an election, not an election
Homelander DeSantis lookin ass
Weren't people also literally mobilized in the streets, ready and willing to try, let's say a different approach, if electoralism alone didn't stop the far right? No lessons to be taken from that part though, only the voting part