
I say this while assiduously trying not to cast aspersions on any person or outlet in particular but if you beat a particular drum for months; see a particular event as vindication for doing so; write piles of panicky copy as a result; then see polling contradict you... ... maybe take a knee?
CNN's new poll doesn't establish some failsafe alternative to Biden for Democrats. But it does run against the twin ideas that the debate itself doomed Biden and that Harris isn't a viable alternative.
Analysis | A new national poll turns post-debate conventional wisdom on its As always, though, we should be cautious about reading too much into one poll.
like everything else aside it is simply not a good look to self-assuredly write "xyz dooms the campaign" headlines 70 minutes after the event ends, before the effects are known, and it casts doubt on your coverage and your framing
however I think the most likely result is
Am I going to listen to the craziest lefties in this tiny Bluesky bubble, along to the actual right leaning, “liberal” MSM? No
This reminds me of when Ezra Klein wrote a big article about how larry Krasner being “soft on crime” lost him the da election then he got 65 percent or whatever and then he simply changed the first word to “despite…”
He had the opportunity to use “Ah! Well. Nevertheless,” and he just squandered it
He didn’t even have that originality or wit in it. Simply “despite” and then regurgitating the same article as if he’d lost. It was pathetic
I gotta say, I’ve got no doubt about their coverage, their framing, or their motivations.
But probably not in a way they’d like.
Maybe I’m dense, but I’m not sure what you’re getting at? The post-debate polling seems to be vindicating the alarm about the objectively bad debate performance. Just going by RCP average, Trump is pulling away. Are you suggesting something to the contrary or did I miss it?
RCP may be doing its thing, but 538 only sees about 1 point of movement toward Trump. And this poll, in particular, shows no change.
I skimmed that poll. It shows no change on the horse race but (as I recall) reflects a big shift in more concern about Biden’s age and more voters who see him as unfit. That’s what the alarm was about re his debate performance.
On Election Day, yes. The other data, though, points to cratering support. I’ve heard it anecdotally, too, among my friends who are Democrats. The damage from the debate is just beginning. That’s why I hope Biden makes a swift exit. It would be noble.
As you said, the data in this poll points to no change.