
Yet another reason to get a covid booster every single time a new one is available to you:
I cannot comprehend anyone declining these vaccines
honestly as someone who is still masking, i think it makes sense. at least if you experience the symptoms i feel whenever i get a booster, that is. like, if masking is already too inconvenient for you, then i imagine getting flu-like symptoms after each shot is not gonna cut it.
My brother procrastinated getting the recent one and then he got COVID for the 2nd time. I think he has since received it. He works in grocery so he’s at high risk and masks everywhere, even around family.
Wishing your brother full recovery and good health — please tell him thanks for masking
This is good news, but everytime I read it I am bummed that I got covid in March 2020, and had lingering symptoms for months, and I wonder what that means for my own long covid risk. Maybe there are studies being done on that too. Meantime I wear a mask almost everywhere.
Keep masking in N95! Reducing the number of times you get covid is important. The Fewer spins of the barrel the better. I got LC even after 5 vaccines. I’m sure I’d be dead if I’d been unvaxed. I’ll get as many boosters as I can. But it’s still worth masking because infections are always a gamble
Exactly. It’s the third, fourth, fifth infections that I’m worried about.
My long COVID was reduced by each vaccine dose, after 1.5 years I got some smell back. Then I got a severe COVID infection while immunocompromised and it's entirely reversed my long COVID. I'm fine now and have been since November 2022.
I’m not sure if there’s a moral to this story, but I find it fascinating
Giving your immune system an opportunity to fight COVID will generally make long COVID better I guess.
I'm glad you're doing better! It's good to hear that's a possibility.
Why? The scientific evidence shows that likelihood of getting long COVID is going *down* with time. It's not "every infection has equal chance of getting long COVID".
To be fair, I don't want to get COVID anymore. I worry that the third time (since I'm almost 53 and overweight) it will damage my body by a lot.
Because I’m trying to take care of my body.
It was implied that you weren't really concerned with the first 2 infections.
Yeah it would be great to know how important the "before your first infection" part is
I was also sick then, with lingering heart issues, and I know that at least some of my symptoms resolved when I first got vaccinated. Not all, but some.
I did get some relief from my first vaccine, probably a bit more from my second though it was less noticeable which disappointed me. My only lingering symptom now is a random intermittent odor of ashtray in my nose. I also get post -exertional malaise, but I've had that most of my life.
yes. there are currently studies about the way vaccines reduce long covid symptoms as well. the results are promising. this ain’t the best article on it - i can’t find the one from the other day. but this one is a start
I had 5 vaccines when I got covid and it became long covid. I’m thankful for the vaccinations I had though because people who got LC without vaccinations have it even worse. At least I can still work. But vax alone isn’t enough to stop long covid.
yeah even asymptomatic cases can cause long covid. even you can argue that symptom severity correlates with long covid chance, it's not a guarantee by any metric.
Vaccines are good. All the cool people are getting them.
Interesting. I had my first case well before vaccines. It was only just mentioned as a faraway threat, in Jan 2020. I’ve had all but most recent vaccines, 2 additional cases of covid, and a very long, long covid struggle. I am thankful though, that it never had me hospitalized, as an older adult.
I think I have had 7 now. On my second vax card lol
Just a technical note: the shots this fall aren’t “boosters,” they are a new formulation. But who cares what people call them as long as they get them? Thanks for promoting basic medicine. .
Wait, there's a dose-response relationship? No. wai.
My second Pfizer shot made me really sick. That was in May of 21, and I’m still just as sick as I was then. So no boosters, very few times anywhere in public, lotta masks. But I’m glad that vaccine and boosters help others.
My third Pfizer gave me a nasty rash that lasted about 4-6 months, as I recall. I've had I think three Moderna shots since then with only the overnight flu-like symptoms. I hope you'll look into the Novavax shot, which is more like a flu shot -- it's not mRNA. I hear very good things about it.
Thank you. I’ll look into that.
They aren't free now. That's the class-based cleansing America loves to practice. UNPRODUCTIVES can have The Disease and maybe that will inspire them to work. It's not just that there are cartoon villains in charge, it's that the system selects for cartoon villains.
is there any alt text there? the last few times i've tried to use this bot it just doesn't seem to have done anything?
This is great for people like me who have not had covid yet. But I do wonder how vaccines affect future infections. Most people I know have had covid at least once. Do further vaccinations decrease long covid risk from future infections? I would assume so, but it'd be nice to see research.
I have had six... Thankfully it doesn't make me feel like I do after 6 tequilas.