Matthew Giraldi

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Matthew Giraldi

Sports watcher, book reader, beer drinker.

Star gazer, cynical sonofabitch, weed smoker.

Nature lover, music listener, food eater.
"They're not attacking your policies they're attacking your age" Watching Independence Day and that quote is pretty fucking hilarious given the current political climate
Jaws alternate ending: After Chief Brody blows up the shark, 20 other sharks come racing to the area because of all the blood and meat now in the water.
Seriously y' safe out there with this new COVID variant. I've never been this sick in my life. Past three days I've been bed ridden. Body aches, fever, congestion. Finally feeling better this morning but fuck. It's kinda scary
If Trump loses this election, he's done in politics. And for all the MAGA movement and all that, we have repeatedly seen that there isn't someone in the passengers seat. It is beyond cliché to say defeat him at the ballot box, but legitimately if he's defeated at the ballot box in Nov he's done.
This is why the moderators allowed both candidates to act like they were in a WWE in-ring promo. There's like 10,000 undecided voters in this country iwbh. We have 4 years of literal policy *as POTUS* from each candidate to analyze. Anyone who watched did so for entertainment or masochism or both
A best of both worlds here: Biden preemptively uses immunity to fix the SCOTUS situation. Monday, they say no immunity.
That was a very opportune time for a commercial. Biden with the mic drop remarks calling Trump a whiner and you could see the orange turn into a burnt sienna
The main takeaway from this debate is that the term "moderator" needs to actually mean something
If the debate is making you feel bad, just know that tomorrow Chevron might get overturned by SCOTUS so can get worse very quickly
I peg it at a 35% chance that Thursday's Presidential debate is the only one this election cycle. I truly believe that most "normal voters" - whatever the fuck that means - perceive Trump as his 2016 self. A poor performance Thurs w/ rambling, frustration and inability to improvise will be damning
Sometimes I wonder if the reason why so many people are of the belief that "the economy" was better under Trump than Biden is because Trump and his administration, every chance they could get, would cite the DJIA as the sole force of "the economy." Eggs are pricey? Well Microsoft is up 3 points.
I still laugh at the audacity the right wing had in 2020 to say that people weary of COVID-19 were "living in fear." Since then they've had shitfits about beer cans, a rainbow flag on a neighbor's house, children's books, walking in any touristy big city in the US, some tents on college lawns, etc
A good piece below. One thing I'll never understand is why every parking lot, particularly in the SE US, doesn't have solar covered parking lots. You see these 1,000 car parking lots and it's just uncovered concrete everywhere. It's hot as hell in the summer. Would be nice for shaded parking too.
I can't even choose which sentence to highlight in this very good piece......just go read the whole damn thing. Those who argue that we should actively sacrifice nature for the energy transition are parroting industry profit-protecting fatalism. It is entirely possible be fast + minimise damage.
A renewable energy transition that doesn’t harm nature? It’s not just possible, it’s Rapidly reaching net-zero is vital to avoiding the worst ravages of climate change. But doing so in a way that damages nature is self-defeating.
I don't care what the stock is: NVIDIA, Gamestop, Tesla, AMC, Apple, an OTC stock...whatever. Retail investors don't account for any significant portion of the shares. Their votes are miniscule. Elon Musk's fanboys aren't as much of the force some folks are thinking they could be re: his demands.
Pat McAfee, Barstool, Outkick Fox News, OAN, Newsmax
It does seem like the sports media is not handling talking about womens sports particularly well
It really feels like 2020 and COVID were the foreshock to the next massive pandemic. We, as a society, didn't learn shit from that either. It's kinda frightening to be watching this develop while a very loud subsect of people controlling our government amplifies anti-science and anti-vax rhetoric.
🧪 The CDC confirmed a third human case of H5N1 bird flu in a Michigan dairy worker, who experienced respiratory symptoms but is recovering with antiviral treatment. The CDC states the risk to the public remains low, with no human-to-human transmission detected. 🩺🛟
Bird flu infects third US dairy worker; Michigan set to expand A third U.S. dairy worker tested positive for bird flu after exposure to infected cows, and was the first to suffer respiratory problems, U.S. officials said on Thursday.
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Just as I did in November of 2020, today I voluntarily turned on FOX News and enjoyed the content I was watching.
Wait so will Trump be able to vote for himself in Florida now that he's a felon?
Dammit internet
imagine going 0-34, even the hue jackson browns went 3-36-1
We all know that there's going to be a shooting at a Dave & Buster's as a direct result of someone welching on a bet of Skeeball.
Dave & Buster’s plan to transform its arcades into casinos is part of a larger effort to goad people to see more and more parts of everyday life as potential betting opportunities
Why Dave & Buster’s Is Transforming Its Arcades Into The $2 billion eatertainment chain’s betting gambit marks a new era of casino-fying everything.
Kyrie eleison down the road that I must travel Kyrie eleison through the darkness of the night Kyrie eleison where I'm going, will you follow? Kyrie eleison on a highway in the light
When the SCOTUS overturns Chevron this summer, we aren't going to have the regulatory bodies to check this type of thing, particularly if/when the GOP regains power.
“Bird flu has been detected in beef for the first time, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Friday, but officials said the meat from a single sickened dairy cow was not allowed to enter the nation’s food supply and beef remains safe to eat.”
Bird flu virus detected in beef from an ill dairy cow, but USDA says meat remains Bird flu has been detected in beef for the first time, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture says the meat from a single sickened dairy cow was not allowed to enter the nation's food supply and beef ...
I remember growing up and seeing some insane warning labels on products and thought, "what kind of dumb fuck would actually spray WD-40 directly into their mouth" and these Google AI searches are showing me that maybe those people multiplied too much and we need to get rid of some of them.
I don't think normies fully understand how much of the crypto / WSB communities idolize RFK Jr.
Days like this I really miss
Imagine the spectacle if Bibi shows up to the Olympics this summer and is hauled out in cuffs during the opening ceremony?
crazy that France is backing the ICC warrant. do you understand how bad shit has to be before France calls you out for mistreating Arabs