
there's a current city councilor in calgary, alberta who was a cop for 20 years, took a 16 year old back to his OWN house after another officer told him to take her home, assaulted her, was found GUILTY and then when it came out was still re-elected to a 3rd term.
From a police abuser's perspective, it makes perfect sense. If the rape victim or related person "cries rape" a second time, in our fucked up culture, it will be labeled as a problem with the victim/family, particularly if the accused is a member of the police.
As I tell the students in my Sex Crimes class, as painful as it may be, if you want to understand victimization patterns, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the abuser and view the world from their perspective. See also, why nursing home residents face high levels of abuse.
they covered one such story back in March on the Post Reports podcast, the cop assigned to a case where a teen girl had been sexually assaulted insinuated himself into her life, coerced her into sexting, and assaulted her himself.
When police officers are predators: One teen's Today, the story of a teenager who was sexually abused by a police officer, and her journey to find justice.
Not surprised. The mentally ill are very vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
Since when do police officers investigate rape?
When they're looking for their own victims, apparently.
Someone was telling me once about their extended family member, the "hero" cop who "saved" a teenage girl from a bad family situation, and he and his wife became her foster parents. And of course he was abusing her the entire time.
Wouldn't it be nice if we better vetted, trained, and supervised individuals given such power? But no, we aren't even allowed to question them, much less complain about the system. I hate it here reason no. 2394.
Curfew enforcment?
CROSSWALK DUTY. CROSSWALK. DUTY. Not even crossing the street is safe from this shit.
The haunted house couple met after a cop unloaded his service weapon into a teenager in a Jason mask with a chain less chainsaw and she was his union-provided defense lawyer