ChattyCathy (she/her)

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ChattyCathy (she/her)

Retired lawyer. Community activist. Reader. Writer. Wife, Mom, Grandma. Experienced napper. Good at solving everyday problems.
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Meanwhile, where is the top headline in the NYT that the draft GOP platform states that fetuses have constitutional rights, amid Trump/RNC efforts to claim it "softens" the GOP abortion position?
Name a song you hate. Vahevala gives me hives.
Name a song you hate. I Want You to Want Me. Such a fuckin cringe.
Sadly I’m out several times over
everyone is the world is playing CYBERSTRUCK, the fun new mandatory game in which you are eliminated when you see your first cybertruck in the wild rules are similar to whamageddon, but with no end date: • the cybertruck must be real, in the wild • as soon as you notice the cybertruck, you are out
I’ve got just a day & a half left to make the rest of what I need for rent. I have to sell at least 10 framed prints (or the equivalent) to have it. Plus, I desperately need to get my car back after a bad accident. I have awesome gifts to go w/ any orders! Thank you for looking/sharing. <3
Alito's ranking personal rights for the ladies: Flag autonomy . . . . . . Bodily autonomy
The idea that Alito isn't willing to tell a woman what to do is a bit of a howler
Waiting for my car to be serviced, overhearing a supervisor advising direct report re an employee. The employee -a she- is “aggressive,” “toxic,” “not a team player,” “disruptive.” All those things may be true, but I suspect the real problem is the employee is a confident woman who speaks her mind.
I also still have these two continuous line fox drawings to go w/ orders over $100, or name your own price!
If you see this I implore you to post a picture from whatever device you are using without explanation
if u see this i implore u to post a picture from whatever device u are using without explanation
Here’s Dodger who can’t decide whether to sleep on her back or her side.
I'm like, silly levels of Big Sad lately and I know I'm not the only one. can y'all post a silly meme, an animal you love, or a gentle joke? I'll reskeet all the ones with alt text (:
Read ⤵️
My spouse,, wrote an amazing story for The Atlantic about transness, surgery, and the recently deceased Schappell twins It's a landmark for The Atlantic, in that it's pro-trans Please read and share so the magazine sees that there are clicks in this Gift link:
The Conjoined Twins Who Refused to Be ‘Fixed’ George and Lori Schappell didn’t seem to care whether others understood them. But America is still struggling to accommodate bodies like theirs.
I live in Davis CA. UCD police famously pepper sprayed students, trying to clear an Occupy protest encampment in 2011. How did the UCs not convene after and develop best practices, which presumably would include not using force against students?
Ashamed of my alma mater
At UCLA this morning, police are shooting rubber bullets at students peacefully protesting genocide. Beyond heinous.
You robbed a bank. Who’s driving the getaway car?
You robbed a bank. Who’s driving the getaway car?
You learn how to load a dishwasher by unloading it, and seeing where the mistakes were made.
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money
repost with the first album you bought with your own money
This Easter, please do not buy these hoppy long-eared cats or tiny feathered cats as gifts for children unless you have researched their care and are fully committed to caring for them for a lifetime. So many of them are abandoned in the weeks and months after the holiday. 😢
This is the way
always repost Tom holland doing umbrella. It's one of the rules that transferred from the old site
I’ve been really *not okay* lately and I think it’s because I’m heading into my 4-year pandemic anniversary. For my fam, 3/13 the schools closed. I was already isolating because I’m immunocompromised. The school closure brought relief—my high school senior attending class felt like a huge risk.
The Supreme Court rules 9-0 that stop signs are optional.
The Supreme Court rules 9-0 that it's perfectly fine to leave your dog's poop in your neighbor's lawn.
I have determined how much “the cybertruck is a stupid, embarrassing failure” content I am willing to consume, and it is infinite
The death penalty is a travesty, a disgrace, a profound and revolting human rights violation. It is a national shame and an outsized stain on this country already soaked in blood.
This Is What Could Happen in the 1st Nitrogen Execution in the Vomiting. Seizures. Stroke. Ahead of Alabama's planned execution of Kenneth Eugene Smith, a doctor discusses the latest death penalty experiment.
In January, lots of people are forced into new health insurance plans. If that's happening to you, and you're trying to navigate the hellscape that is prior authorizations / step therapy / rationing, please remember that you can lie.
Step therapy? You can lie. | Matthew Get more from Matthew Cortland on Patreon
we’re 5 DAYS into 2024 & *125* anti-trans bills have been filed across the US. do cis people know this map? this is risk for *adult* trans people across america. FL is already “do not travel.” i must have a few cis followers. please share this. consider if you could live in a country like this.