
Look I think Bernie would have won in 2016 (I think Biden would have too) but I just haven't seen evidence that he lost the primary due to some kind of nefarious rigging. Dem primary voters preferred Hillary!
did you hear about donna braziles book she leaked a lot of secrets one of the biggest ones being how hillary financed the primary herself which is obv a conflict of interedt
dont get me wrong this is smth neither new nor alien in primaries party bosses be bossin and political machines machining but if we want a more meaningful democracy preventing these occurrences in the future is a next big step we have to make it clear democracy means more than 2 choices-full stop
I mean, "Clinton loyalists in DNC used the levers at their disposal to her advantage" is in no way incompatible with primary voters ultimately preferring her by a decisive margin. Those levers were ultimately not very consequential!
if anything, the fact that her campaign was able to become so enmeshed with the national party in just a few years' time (and then evicted just as quickly) is evidence of the DNC's *weakness*
how is this any different from praising multibillionaires for getting some more billions out of investing
they were pretty darn consequential just not against trump and no i reject that premise its fundamentally undemocratic
Sanders running as an outsider was a huge boost for his campaign! He wildly overperformed thanks in part to establishment shenanigans, real or perceived. If anything it was Martin O'Malley and the other "insider" candidates who were screwed by Clinton taking over the DNC, but nobody cares about them
There was clear media bias towards the desired DNC narrative. & Wasn't there a leak about the Obama call to the other candidates who coincidentally dropped out? this feels like selective 'membering, speaking from across the pond.
Bernie couldn't win black voters like Biden (and Clinton, for that matter) did. No one else demonstrated that they had a winning coalition. All Obama did was point that out to them after Biden trounced the other candidates in South Carolina. Biden wasn't my choice, but it wasn't some nefarious plot.
It was a little of both. Actual rigging didn’t happen but the democratic leadership arrogantly tried to clear the way for Hillary even though there were already signs she would be a weak candidate.
there was certainly no evidence for ballot box stuffing but that hard a definition of rigging hardly serves any purpose? is purging voter rolls not rigging? election rigging includes a wide range of leveraging institutional advantage to entrench it
to clarify ballot box stuffing is just an example of a guess of what u mean by actual rigging, didnt mean to put to words in ur mouth
Yes, I think 2020 there was a greater push.