
I’d argue his fast tracking weapons to Israel is the biggest threat to his campaign but both are valid
"I found myself at a dinner party" [rolls eyes] For the love of god people, cancel your NYT subscriptions.
Biden was always a lousy campaigner, part of why he lost WH races twice. Only exacerbated by age. That said, I would much rather have a President who can actually get stuff done than somebody who makes a nice speech (as much as I love good speeches). Pres. Biden's legislative record is exceptional.
He didn't lose bc of campaign skills, it was a plagiarism charge. He's never been especially bright or adept and he's always lied. The things he has gotten done have been detrimental to large swathes of the US electorate.
I took this as a sub-whatever at Obama and I'm here for it
The conversation turned "naturally"... Sweet Jebus...
Geez, this sounded almost like actual reporting, until the slag at the end about the dilemma that has been largely created by the clowns at NYTimes. They are doing their best to drag Biden down EVEN WHEN THEY HEAR THAT HE IS GOOD AT HIS JOB! FFS!
Somebody post a meandering Biden speech, please. I have yet to see one that could be called this in the context of the Trump Era Otherwise this just sounds like some ratfucker anonymously trying to torch the campaign
Well, as long as the media doesn't cover the contest as a horse race, he should be just fine then!
Rich donors are . . . not always the most fact-grounded people.
Alas, MG’s “too old” argument was weak then and weak now. I wouldn’t bother to criticize it if I didn’t hold her in pretty high esteem. But the idea that Biden, an extremely successful first term President, should (or would) step down because of lazy and ageist poll respondents is and was silly.
I can turn invisible when no one’s watching.
Fairly sure this kind of opinion writing isn't helpful. More age-angst and hand wringing.
The media needs Biden's age to be an issue because it's the one thing about him that isn't a policy choice. He didn't choose to be born when he was. He's just old. Since the media doesn't want to discuss his successes, they have to manufacture *something* to whine about.
🎯 he's not the guy who should be selling him(self)
Well, you can’t govern if you’re not elected.
Trump would like a word
The people who work closely with Biden say he’s engaged, prepared, and attentive to detail. Many of the people who worked closely with Trump say he’s unfit, the worst person in the world, and a f**ing moron. Americans prefer the latter. OMG.
of course he is an effective leader, relative to the non existent young dynamic leaders of the democratic party
Did someone blindfold you & drop you off? Did you black out & wake up there? I'm intrigued.
Are we still having this conversation? Hitler was a charismatic speaker who got millions to believe in the worst of others. Moses could not speak well, but was a tremendous leader. Putin can go on for hours. We deserve a president who knows what it takes to get us from point A to point B to point Z.
I want my president to truly believe in democracy, to believe in the decency of others, to believe in and love our United States. I want my president to want us to strive to be better. I want my president to share my values and surround him/herself with like-minded people.
President Biden, without question, is that person.
FDR extends his arm to Biden for fist bump.
This seems like the absolute perfect take.
... why is it a problem at all?
Biden's "effective leadership" has caused me to leave the Democratic Party. And, no, I'd never vote for a Republican or for RFK Jr.
Effective for whom? We think his policy sucks, on top of his speeches.
That Super Bowl tweet last night was based. He needs to do a better job of defining enemies and throwing haymakers like that.