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really just want to be in a forest with my dog. fka @ClinicEscort. Colorado (ex-VA, DC, GA, NJ, etc).
grocery clerk (area meemaw, perfectly sweet etc, handing me my emergency hashbrowns): “ok, enjoy your Fourth!” me (anxious to return to dog tied outside, likely radiating extremely hectic energy): “ugh, freedom for who in this country anyway? —but !!thanks!!” sry not sry tho a lil sry about me
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
I was made aware today that not everybody knows Sophie the Death Metal Dog (circa 2008 at the latest) and I was quite frankly appalled. A legend. Let's keep her memory alive. #sophiewouldyoulikesomeair
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friends, I cannot strongly enough recommend that you endeavor to avoid getting beestung between two fingers because 1. it hurts a lot (a lot) and 2. my right hand looks all generative-AI now; human hands aren’t supposed to be shaped like this
just when you thought the SCOTUS shambles couldn't get any more shambolic (rhetorical)
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I'm hoping we don't have the earth-salting anti-southern problem here on Bluesky like we did at the other place but I'm glad this post is here as a sign for me to tap
We have to boil our tap water before we use it for several days at a time, several times a year, minimally. If this is news to you, it’s time to start paying closer attention to how conservative politics are entrenched and spreading. We are not “red” - we are voter suppressed.
"New Surprise" indeed—Google's AI search results is full of 'em
holy shit (this is a Melissa Leo appreciation skeet)
I have seen both “post a sunset pic” and “post a sandy beach pic” here tonight, and realized I had a twofer from last month when my dog spent a week or so learning about the ocean for the first time (he’s now a big fan of seagulls & driftwood & wind; less into being pursued by funny-tasting water).
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this subject line is today's winner:
I only baked a few olive-oiled & salted sage leaves at 400° for 25 minutes bc I had extra room on a pan of garlic green beans & my sage plant is out of control, but they were so delightful it may be worth making a whole pan of just those soon. They crisp down to almost nothing & melt on the tongue!
why am I getting email from Ryan Grim’s fucking Substack like I subscribed to it which I extremely did not. a grain of salt to sprinkle upon his little “over 253,000 subscribers” label
not at all to be the “ugh are you SURPRISED” person, but that last bit really was inevitable, given the collective shrug of every LE agency I ever saw contacted by someone upset about clinic harassers posted up on the sidewalk with performatively, anachronistically large cameras on tripods
We analyzed millions of coordinates to uncover where police sent drones and why. With cameras and zoom lenses powerful enough to capture faces clearly, they routinely fly over backyards, schools, homeless shelters, social services, and even the city's Planned Parenthood.
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remember when all those republican congressmen visited the courthouse in solidarity with the guy convicted of 34 felonies instead of doing their jobs
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it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
I was sweating on a ladder in the sun hanging globe lights in my yard earlier, and it wasn't specifically so that tonight I could hang out there and smoke a joint and put my feet in the dog's wading pool and grill a steak and read 1000 skeets about Trump being a loser but that sure is the plan now
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Average American president has been convicted of .74 felonies
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how it looks visually, on the NYT:
the fuckin GUILTIEST
Lyft driver today was saying he and his wife are fostering a teen girl who had been homeless which means she's really not feeling the family's camping hobby so they'll probably give up camping for the duration. It really is true that no good deed goes unpunished! The universe will see to it!
honestly I’m still riding the high of spotting Kushner in Dupont Circle in like 2018 and planting myself on the sidewalk to bellow “HEY! JARED! FUCK! YOU!” so if you ever get the chance for a thing like that my advice is go big
This woman is truly living our collective dream. How many times in the past eight years have you fantasized about being face-to-face with one of these anti-democratic ghouls & just plainly speaking your mind? (Also: "I will fully cop to" calling her a c**t? Respect & lol forever.)
if we’re gonna have jails then by all means let’s load ‘em up with the Laurens Handy of the world
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Working on my anti-carceral mindset generally but not so much at this particular moment, so to this I say lol. lmao, even.
Lauren Handy, a 30-year-old antiabortion activist who kept fetuses in her home, was sentenced Tuesday to nearly five years in prison for illegally blockading a reproductive health clinic in D.C.
Antiabortion activist who kept fetuses sentenced to 5 years in clinic Antiabortion activist Lauren Handy, who kept fetuses in a Capitol Hill home, was sentenced for illegally blockading a reproductive health clinic in D.C.
Aurora outside Bliss, Idaho. Also my dog’s new online dating pic.
I woke up from dreaming about chocolate chip cookies from the Wegmans bakery bc they are just that good & if this were Twitter I could @ the store and get the tiniest glimmer of hope that someone would decide that overnighting cookies to Colorado is a marketing winner so in conclusion fuck Elon Musk
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this is why the “follow the rules” stuff is so transparently full of shit if they don’t like what you’re doing, they will simply change the rules until you can’t do it anymore
UVA and Virginia state police are raiding the Gaza solidarity encampment next to the Rotunda. They literally changed the bylaws, which previously permitted tents, a few hours ago. The encampment had been going quietly for several days.
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Different president and administrators are on grounds now, but that said: the U-Va. that let tiki-torch toting goons march the Lawn undisturbed has a different approach _now_? Ah.
UVA and Virginia state police are raiding the Gaza solidarity encampment next to the Rotunda. They literally changed the bylaws, which previously permitted tents, a few hours ago. The encampment had been going quietly for several days.
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This right the dream.
Love this for them
the infinite screaming account already exists so that is why I mostly post dog pictures these days
i think if forced birthers are allowed to terrorize people outside abortion clinics then students should be allowed to protest genocide on their own campuses
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We really are already living in two countries. One where you can get Medicaid, an abortion, and decent civil rights, and another where protesting can be a felony, you can barely see an OBGYN, the state military is building camps on the border, and teachers are encouraged to carry guns in schools.