
How the fuck is this not front-page news? How on Earth are we not getting 24/7 round-the-clock coverage on the fact that Trump doesn't know *his own wife's name* after the weeks worth of Biden is Old and Senile concern trolling we've received from the national media?
Answer: Because the corporate-owned media is complicit in advancing the interests of fascists. Period.
Yup. All the shit you hear about Biden being old is just the new "I don't want HRC as president cuz it'd be a dynasty like the Bushes". It's propaganda that hits us libs way too easily.
“Trump not remembering his wife’s name is bad news for Biden” - the NYT, probably
Is Donald having an affair with Mercedes Schlapp? That's what I want to know.
This was my first thought. He could just think of his wife like a shiny status symbol.
When he was president he was in Florida told them "Melania wishes she could be here" and she was *standing right next to him* and that was years ago. But Biden stutters once in a while so - samesies, right?
“His supporters don’t think he’s old” Yeah. No shit. They’re in a cult.
Tell the NYTimes Biden forgot his wife's name, see how quickly they roll out 5 more op-eds from Douthat and Klein and the rest of them demanding he drop out immediately
his wife's real name is mainstream media
This will get 90 seconds total running time on the three network Sunday morning shows tomorrow.
Total lack of reaction shots by Melania in the media. No cameraman thought to get her in the moment? Or did it just get totally censored?
Was she there? Haven’t seen her in so long.
I'm pretty sure she hasn't been with him at any campaign event
It is my hope, that his porridge brain will continue to deteriorate, and become more and more evident each day to the American public. Then, hopefully, they will get out and vote for the sane candidate.
The you had to go to international media to see this tells us all we need to know about how pro-Trump every major American media source is.
💀The Corporate American MSM has been right-leaning, treason-enabling, post-journalism sludge since 2015. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Maybe that's what he had to promise her just to show up for one night
I've found a useful metric: if my mother, 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥, mentions one of these moments/events that I can't throw a virtual brick online without hitting posts about, then I know the word is at least trickling out. If she doesn't, then I know the populace is largely unaware of it and we're all fµcked.
I def share this anger. My theory? It doesn't drive clicks because he wasn't expected to get women's names right, ever. Even when he was 30. That he said E. Jean Carroll was Marla Maples in his depo fits the pattern. Blips if mentioned at all. More likely to be addressed by comics & satirists.
🤬🤬🤬🤬As long as the puerile, pathetic MSM or anyone else with large media reach continues to treat the 🔴💀🔴 MAGA GOP as rational actors - or even as a legitimate political party & not a perverse, rapist-enabling cult - they continue to enable the existential danger Trump poses. Weimer Republicanism?
In all fairness, Trump had just met a younger hot woman named Mercedes. He only remembers the names of the young ones. Poor barren lol