
“Politics would be interesting again,” is a hell of a thing to say generally and also, for these commentators, obviously untrue. Nothing about any replacement process will be as arousing to them as the prospect of forcing the renominated president out of the race with enough poison pen columns.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
This is what they really want, isn’t it? Entertaining politics to write about. They beg for a brokered convention almost every POTUS election cycle. They want drama and clicks and to be relevant.
Except they don't seem to want the drama and clicks that "hey maybe a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government shouldn't be running again" would generate. It's really just a large-scale effort to undermine the Democrats.
If they do replace Biden as the nominee, it'll be four straight months of Democrats In Disarray, followed by four straight months of "here's why the candidate we hounded the Democrats into adopting was a bad choice and ran a lousy campaign."