
“Although the Biden admin seems to have run extremely well for 3.5 years, with a strong cabinet, few scandals, a thriving economy & major legislative accomplishments, the punditocracy has suggested we should ignore this record & decide on the basis of the 90-minute debate”
Why is the pundit class so desparate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
if only there were *some way* to compare the presidencies of the two guys who were last president!
Yeah because we're judging him on how well he will do for four more years, not how well he did last term. It's not a prize you get awarded for a good job. We need someone who can make the case against fascism.
seriously, i also want these biden bros to realize that some of us actually have shit on the line. i am a jewish trans woman and if biden survives this ordeal and remains the nominee i am preparing to leave the country, i do not trust him to prevent donald’s enabling acts
You assume that Biden dropping out makes Trump ascendancy less likely, not more likely. Let me assure you that the plotters are 110% prepped for Harris and will cause serious havoc for any other Dem who might step forward.
Harris and the other Dems will be able to RESPOND to the attacks on them instead of staring off into space. So of course any of them would be better.
And yeah of course our opposition are preparing attacks for whoever we might choose to replace our unfit candidate who can't continue. That's just normal politics. It's not like they weren't drafting attacks against Biden. And his were going to be absolutely devastating, clips of his real behavior.
it seems like our opposition will just call her “the DEI president” (which is only going to enrage the base and remind everyone how republicans are racist ghouls) because they can’t call her old or unenergetic anymore! seems like a good trade to me
Trump is better business. Hair on fire lunacy beats quiet competency every time.
But they are deriding the one who was incoherent, answered questions in non sequiturs and was lying when you could figure out what he was saying, right? Right?
Why is "desperate" misspelled in a Guardian newspaper article? #picky #proofreader