Miranda Horner

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Miranda Horner


Writer/editor/producer | gamer | musician | veteran game industry professional | personal account, personal views | she/her
My purple hair did an interesting fade the past two weeks. It ended up being a red/orange/pink/purple oil slick effect. Pretty cool. Probably looked neat in the sunlight. But it was definitely time to do the two-week Arctic Fox refresh.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
for No Particular Reason, i am reiterating that if you accidentally fall for reactionary talking points, you don't have to double down on supporting bigotry once given better context. Human beings make mistakes. Just take the L & own it. Most people will forgive you for not knowing something.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
x.com/onebgs_usa/s... We formed a Union at Bethesda Game Studios! Across Montreal, Maryland, and Texas! I am screaming! I am stomping my feet I am hooting and hollering!
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
This thread pretty much sums up my attitude. If Trump gets elected, a lot more people will die than if Biden gets elected. (Or Harris, if Biden drops out.) That's it; that's the choice. It sucks, but it's how things are.
1/x Before I get to work, I was ... *discussing* with a sincere third party human (I respect them a shitload more than those who just absent themselves) where they said "If your only choices are coke and pepsi, if you don't start buying a third brand, all you'll ever have is coke and pepsi .."
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
We’ve been booting into safe mode with networking and having luck, they usually receive the fix within five minutes. Just a pain in the ass to get past bitlocker to get there.
Hey people a functioning solution to the CrowdStrike thing is to literally keep rebooting each time it crashes. Sometimes the system will make it far enough to get the fix from CrowdStrike.
Folks, if you have an appointment somewhere today, best to make sure the place can still honor it. This Crowdstrike thing has messed up a bunch of state services, medical services, and more.
Seeing the Onion’s piece on Usha Vance right above the WaPo piece on what Trump extremists are saying about her is just one example of how thin that line between satire and reality is these days. Also: It’s so weird to see folks supporting a party that is actively working against them. Still.
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We made some quick explainers on Project 2025's impact on bookbans for Authors Against Book Bans-- please feel free to share with your own networks.
The cat booping my nose seems to have become a ritual. Summoning, cleansing, or something else entirely—I do not know.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
When you see a company doing bad things to their customers especially smaller-ish ones, report them to the FTC and/or the BBB (Better Business Bureau) it doesn't take long and it might not solve the issue but it could warn someone else or at least cause the bad actor a hassle
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Most people don't realize that the National Weather Service - part of NOAA - provides the data behind the forecasts their local news broadcasts and issues all severe watches and warnings. They just see the weather on the 6 oclock news or Weather Channel and assume it will still be there.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
I'd like for those plans to include four additional Justices, but this is a good start. Let's do it.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
Sometimes the thing between you and sleep is your beloved cat, pawing at your nose for reasons known only to them.
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I put a banana hat on my cat and she hates me now.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
why is every day so much stupider than the one before it
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
Same, sunflower. Same.
Just a reminder: POTUS has this newfangled power dynamic granted by SCOTUS. Has POTUS used it yet? Nope. Would his political opponent? Given his current felony charges and things he keeps saying, I'm going with "yes" there. And in the worst way possible for everyone on this planet.
Reposted byAvatar Miranda Horner
So here's a thing I'm thinking about: it is very common in a family with abuse that the kids blame the non-abusive partner for not protecting them, but don't blame the abuser. They feel, possibly correctly, that the abuser will not change their behavior. /1