Saoirse Ní Chiaragáin

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Saoirse Ní Chiaragáin

Irish writer in Berlin. I have a baby I won't shut up about.
"would u fuck an elf if they were real" shut up loser id fuck a whole dnd campaign worth of consenting fantasy creatures u think I'm gonna slip on "elf" I'm doing petrificationplay with a beholder you lightweight
Had a strong coffee on an empty stomach and now I am going to die.
“Almost the entire population”
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
Love when someone I disliked based on vibes does something bad. Precognition of you being kinda a dick.
Sylvia Stop Saying You're All Done at Mealtimes Only to Immediately Demand a Banana Challenge: Impossible
Fire: The Untamed Element, Oldest of Man's Mysteries, Giver of warmth, Destroyer of forests, right now THIS building is on fire.
tell me your fav film with a quote.
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It's too damn hot. It took me 90 fucking minutes to get the baby to go to sleep. KNOCK IT OFF!!!
at long last you can preorder my sticky sweaty horny cowboy body horror book! and you can see the gorgeous cover art! give ghoulish money! read the first few pages!
Hello, cowghouls! It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to's THE FLESH INHERENT, a gay cowboy western bursting with delightful body horror grotesqueries. Behold, the front cover by Excerpt and pre-order:
The cats are just trying to nap on the balcony but Sylvia keeps interrupting by trying to show them fridge magnets.
Heading into town for this in response to the yearly anti-choice rally now also supported by the far right as attacking our bodily autonomy is on their common agenda. No pasaran.
Moisturised. In my moisturiser. Moisturising. I fell into the big vat of moisturiser again, go get help
Especially because when the Internet rightly got outraged over the slapping, he claimed it was racist because "People of colour slap their kids and nobody minds". Fuck that man to the depths of hell.
Can we all agree to punch that guy who slapped his 2 year old every time he goes somewhere? Like, just make his life a misery.
Parenting books: Your baby may start to make sounds with consistent meanings, which they will use to communicate their needs. Me: Pffft not likely. Sylvia: Ow! Me: Oh you want to be lifted up? Sure thing.
Just read Wax and wane by , it’s really good. Nothing creepier than a loved one getting sucked into a cult.
When Seb and I moved to this neighbourhood 7 years ago, the flat we were renting didn't have electricity for a full week. With no other form of entertainment available, we took turns reading Stephen King's IT to one another, lying on a mattress on the floor (had yet to purchase the bedframe)
what if I laid my head on your chest and listened to you read for an hour
Sinn Féin now Northern Ireland's largest party in the UK Parliament.
Been thinking about this from the end of A Life's Work all week.
The baby is in an absolute pisser of a mood today
if I could only take one post with me to the afterlife it'd be this one
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
One again cursing 15yo me for seeing Cabaret for the first time and thinking "Damn, I wanna live in Berlin. Just without the rise of fascism in the West." But I guess the monkey paw curled before the second sentence.
Sylvia's favourite things to say at the moment are "whoa" and "wow", and it's very fun to hear a little voice multiple times a day saying "Whoa! Oh wow!"
Had an epiphany earlier and it's like??? OK?? Now what??? I just have to walk around with the added burden of this knowledge? Fuckin bullshit
My little baby kissed me for the first time today!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should buy Saoirse’s book because it is one of the best books I’ve read! It is an absolutely fantastic & engrossing page turner that I simultaneously never wanted to end and that I couldn’t get enough of! Highly highly highly recommended!!
Pals it would be so rad of youse if ye bought copies of my book, WAX & WANE, either directly from me (easiest option if you're in the EU or UK) or from I hopelessly broke and trying to keep afloat til my maternity leave ends lol #HorrorWritersChat
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It would be cool if people could talk about the Gaiman allegations without being like "I shoulda known he was shit when he married Amanda Palmer!" She sucks but it's still really misogynist to use a guy's wife as a brush to tar him with. He assaulted people. Focus on that ffs.
A lot of rotten people are seizing on the Gaiman allegations in order to score points against the groups and politics he publicly supported. Please do not let this trick your animal brain into thinking he isn't guilty. The publishing world has horror stories about this guy going back decades.