
A lot of rotten people are seizing on the Gaiman allegations in order to score points against the groups and politics he publicly supported. Please do not let this trick your animal brain into thinking he isn't guilty. The publishing world has horror stories about this guy going back decades.
God knows it's no fun to be on the same side of something as Julie Bindel, a woman who once wrote an essay about how I'm a violent man, but in this instance that's a pill we have to swallow to reckon with this mess.
it really sucks that she and her cohort were the ones to break the news, but from what i’m hearing from people i trust, there’s been a whisper network for a while. plus i think they must have done their homework - UK libel laws are notoriously harsh
truth is more important than spin, focus on truth, ignore spin. do not treat spin with respect. do not take spin seriously. do not acknowledge spin. truth is what matters.
the truth by its nature remains as such regardless of its bearer!!
i’ve heard he has been a major topic of industry whisper networks for some time
even if you were to presume the allegations were false, neil did the worst thing possible in response
“she misremembered” is just a confession
Honestly, it felt like it was closer to "this lady is clearly mentally unstable." Which is way worse imo.
oh he said both of those, one for each of the two ladies who have come forward so far
like, what disorder even makes you develop false memories? and also why did you hire someone with that disorder to be your nanny?
psychosis causing disorders can do that, but she did not even have a history of it and that wasn’t even what neil was blaming. it was a physical ailment she had that neil said caused false memories
Ahh, I was under the impression from reading it (though not thoroughly) that it was a mental illness that he was blaming.
Thats what I was thinking. I read thr accusations and they sounded a little strange, like some bizarre fetish. But gaiman just goes and say that the woman has a "medical condition that creates falsear memories ". He sound as guilt as hell after that.
Why can’t men be better? I’m so tired of being let down by men that I admire, I’m so sorry for the poor women that he has taken advantage of.
I was talking about this with friends eariler. Not all men but genuinely so many of them.
Part of me wants to say that it's the way society teaches them, but at the same time, I don't want to sound like I'm making an excuse for them.
It’s definitely part of the explanation, but explanation is neither expiation nor excuse. It’s just understanding. There are *absolutely* factors of socialization and entrenched power dynamics that both encourage & allow abuse, but acknowledging & discussing these doesn’t exonerate abusers.
You're right. It's something I really have trouble wrapping my head around it. I have autism, and I made some people uncomfortable when I tried to flirt, and I felt horrible and still lose sleep over it.
I'm not saying this to say I'm superior or make this horrible situation about me, but I just don't understand what a person's thought process would be to feel even okay about those actions. I hope that I'm making sense!
people outside of this but still (understandably!) hurt by this really need to keep in mind how gross it is when people on the “other” side run to defend someone facing allegations like this because the like or agree with them
I’m starting to think that rewarding white men with male power fantasies with fame and fortune might not be a great idea.
For me it's just disappointment in a guy I liked. I'm not in the publishing world, so I hadn't heard this about him before. I'm sad and angry because I will no longer enjoy what he wrote, because whatever he wrote had a backstory of deception and hurting people and that's more important.
Do you know if less-recent allegations against him are available anywhere online to familiarize oneself with?
it's industry insider stuff, and so far nobody has been willing to go public
it's wild how the playbook is universal, almost archetypal. i know men in my own social circles who had almost the exact mo, but who within that sphere wielded so much power that ppl didn't dare speak out
Do a search for “gaiman” and “groupies,” esp set before 2015, and you’ll get an idea of the scope. He’s been operating like a 80’s rock star with the goth girls he surrounds himself/cultivates parasocial relationships with for decades, combine that with the disregard for consent in the report.
The sleeping with very young fans, surrounding himself with assistants, “assistants,” etc wasn’t even an open secret in the 90s and 00s, it was just common knowledge; it only became secret when that stopped being tolerated socially. He’s always been a creep.