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Prone to the occasionla typo
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Hey baby, Godwin's Second Law just dropped.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Using an a image, show a movie you are sure you have watched more than 10 times
Using an image, show a movie you are sure you have watched more than 10 times.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Fascinating Our World in Data visualisation of death tolls from pandemics through the ages
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Immigration and asylum rows are another sign of Brexit's total failure. New post on my Brexit & Beyond Blog. Brexiters said they just wanted UK to set its own system & that would "drain the poison" of these debates but they're more psychotic than ever
Immigration and asylum rows are another sign of Brexit’s total <a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a>
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
🎄 BOOSTER THREAD FOR MAKERS 🎄 Every year on X I did a thread to boost people making cool things that might make good Xmas pressies. If you create things, reply with: - description - picture - link to buy And I will boost you. Non-creators, boost this thread and buy the cool things! MERRY XMAS
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
I feel it’s time to rewrite my Rules for Criminal Plots for this new platform. Rule One: look at the shoes. If the new co-conspirator is dressed shabby like the rest of you but his or her shoes are neat and well-maintained, they’re a fed. /1
Say it with me: even if you’re the Indian government, the hit man you’re trying to hire is ALWAYS THE FBI cc
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Such a gorgeous shop and a good cause! Look at all the lovely things.
As a small business I can’t compete with #BlackFriday Instead I’m going to donate 10% of my net sales to charity. Please #shopindependent this #Christmas
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Classic 👍🏻
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
All plaudits and praise to and Pouria for UKHSA COVID Dashboard From Sir Chris Whitty 👏 👏 👏
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
A brief thread - in response to claims by Dominic Cummings on the other site - on why compliance with international law isn’t yielding to a lawyers’ over-expansion of the concept of “rule of law” but a matter of reality.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
The only way you'll stop the mainstream media platforming facists is to switch off and don't support the freakshow. It no one buys it, then @itv and the rest of them will get the message. Farage is toxic.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
“If you’re angry about THIS, but not about THAT—“ Bro I’m gonna have to stop you there, I am angry about so many things all of the time, I have never in my life been angry about just one thing at a time, my capacity for “things to be angry about” is as wide and as deep as the sea
Have people who object to pronouns in email signatures never met anyone called Chris Alex Sam Ashley Morgan Reese Robin Frances Phil Charlie Terry
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Its because Ann can't stand fuckwits and tells them to their face.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Early in the pandemic I wrote a note for on the lack of women in UK Gov daily press briefings MacNamara's testimony reminds us why we continue to study & campaign for diverse representation across decision-making bodies gendersky 🌐
Boris Johnson’s No 10 was toxic, sexist and devoid of humanity, says ex-civil Helen MacNamara tells Covid inquiry of ‘macho’ culture where ‘hundreds’ broke rules on a daily basis
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Watching people on tv talk about how losing a girlfriend and losing a job are stressors that can play a part in motivating a mass shooter and nobody’s talking about the fact that women lose jobs and relationships too and it literally almost never ends in mass murder.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Yea, the owner of the site talking white genocide with a descendant of Robert E. Lee was my personal last straw.
i get why some people still feel the need to stay engaged on twitter for their audience
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Thing is, you’d think people wouldn’t be stupid enough to put money in a Elon Musk Bank but the Banks themselves were stupid enough to loan him $13 billion. So maybe there’s just more stupid people out there than I realised
What Were Elon Musk’s Lenders Thinking? That being in business with the richest man in history was a good bet. They could still be right.
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
If there’s one thing you should read today it’s this. A damning indictment of the Home Office and the Government’s approach to the asylum system. Very first line of the report: “The Home Office's failure to process asylum claims efficiently has led to unacceptable costs to the taxpayer.”
Asylum system: Doubts and concerns raised around Government's approach to backlogs - Committees - <ul> <li>Current plan&rsquo;s impact on vulnerable people not thought through and could lead to serious consequences</li> <li>PAC highlights huge challenge in clearing backlogs and unacceptable costs ...
Reposted byAvatar Arbre
Here's my effort to get Bluesky codes to those on the old site who want to come here: a page where people can either donate unused codes or request a code. If you could share this around, I'd appreciate it - I'm not over there, & this is the best I can do right now. ❤️‍🙏
Blue Sky Are you on the dead bird site and looking for a way to Bluesky? Here’s a way to help you escape and start building a new, positive online experience. I believe in the power of community, and …
Reposted byAvatar Arbre