Maryjane Osa

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Maryjane Osa

Political and historical sociologist writing about culture, democracy, and comparative politics (Ph.D., University of Chicago). Publishes "Grounded," a free weekly 'zine on Substack. #Posties #Postrefugees #PostNews
Thanks for this. In my weekly articles, I’ve shifted from pointing out dangers & how things are going wrong —to highlighting instances of people working together for the common good. And I try to find ways to link people and solidarity building opportunities. Would love for you to join me
💯 It’s up to us now.
In France, to everyone’s surprise, the right-wing extremists were defeated. French political parties of the left and center did something unexpected: *they got their act together.* Quick mobilization against the far-right changed the prevailing mood. That can happen here, too. No more doom.
Buck March onward
Reminds me of Kyle Rittenhouse & Dylan Roof.
Why would a white male R w/ AR-15 shoot up a TRUMP rally?? Hmm? On Infowars, Alex Jones and a guest spoke about how a Trump assassination would be “so much better for us and so much worse for them” because it would lead to retaliatory assassinations of a “deep state” list that included Joe Biden.
2024 Isn’t Nearly Done With The attempt upon Trump’s life raises the stakes and the risks of more violence heading into the November general election.
Disclaimer: 1) implied causal connections are hypothetical 2) I don't listen to RW media so I was unaware of Alex Jones' speculations. 3) Jay Kuo's article informs us re: violent musings circulating in RW media 4) Can't rule out a RWNJ acting on this speculation until investigations are complete
So now we know: The American justice system is incapable of administering justice.
I've been to rural Oklahoma. There is deep poverty there. No color line to being poor.
there's gonna be a hashtag for this.
I broke up with vodka after a similar experience. Regaining consciousness on the bathroom floor of a youth hostel in Warsaw, I said, "That's it. Done." TBF -- Polish wódka is *next level.*
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Reposted byAvatar Maryjane Osa
The GOP had better watch out for our 81 year old President! Wow, Joe Biden's got the moves! Turn your volume up and enjoy this.
My favorite comment on this pet-diary video: "So dogs write like scientists and cats write like prisoners of war."
Heather: For the radical extremists who have taken over the Republican Party, getting rid of the modern government that regulates business, provides a basic social safety net, promotes infrastructure, and protects civil rights is now gospel as they try to replace it with Christian nationalism.
July 12, Representative Glenn Grothman (R-WI) said yesterday that if Trump wins reelection, the U.S. should work its way back to 1960, before “the angry feminist movement…took the purpose out of the man’s life...
R's want to "get rid of modern government." I wonder how that will turn out. /s
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The town where our hospice is located has approved a proposal to build a rainbow bridge at a local dog park. It's lovely idea that gives me hope. We can come together when our hearts lead the way. 💗 #pets #grief #community
The view from Central Europe “The West has no idea about how to deal with Russia and its citizens. There is currently no international strategy for how to hold Russia to account for its war with Ukraine, and how to behave towards Russia once the war one day comes to an end.”
A Plan For Russia: Has The West Really Listened To CEE Warnings? The West has no idea about how to deal with Russia and its citizens. Now is the time to form an international strategy to hold Russia to account for its war with Ukraine.
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I'm waiting until we hear from Susan Sarandon before I decide whether Biden should drop out or not.
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I'm done with the whole Biden "in or out" handwringing. This morning I went to the website and sent our president an email message of unequivocal support for his candidacy, urging him to remain strong and remain in the race. I've done me. You do you.
The White President Biden and Vice President Harris promised to move quickly to deliver results for working families. That’s what they’ve done.
Economic anxiety? “It is comforting to think that providing material benefits to people is the path to political success but it just ain’t so. Which isn’t a reason not to do good policy, just a reminder that good policy has little correlation with political success in this political environment.”
They created an economic revival in the heartland, and nobody cared - Lawyers, Guns & I’m not sure if anyone even pretends to believe the “economic anxiety” explanation for Trumpism anymore, but the success of industrial policy under the Biden administration and the fact that he’s gott...
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Bluesky Land is such a nice place this morning, compared with Democrats snarling at each other on Threads. Plenty to snarl about these days. But against people fighting the same fight as you? Come on folks. Take a breath. This helps no one. Except maybe DJT.
So sad. What kind of horrible do you have to be as a person to make that your life's work? At least thousands of people have supported Stormy Daniels ($1 million in Gofundme) who has also been relentlessly harassed