
Clarence Thomas declares: •The 14th and 15th Amendments impose NO limit on states' ability to draw openly racist electoral districts that disfavor Black Americans because of their skin color. •Federal courts have no power to redraw such racist maps.
Clarence Thomas Makes a Full-Throated Case for Racial In a startling concurrence, the justice faulted Brown v. Board of Education for empowering the court to limit racist redistricting.
Just when you think you can't hate him any more than you already do.
He despises himself and admits to his own inferiority complex with every word he utters.
Can't a left-leaning billionaire just buy the man a bigger house already and just purchase the man's vote? What's taking so long?
john oliver already tried to use hbo money for that :/
a new RV and $1M / year for life if he stepped down. unfortunately, he didn’t accept the offer.
South Carolina was found to have blatant gerrymandering -- Repub pols were SO ANGRY that Charleston County voted for Clinton in 2016 and then Biden in 2020 that they moved 30,000 Black voters from here into Clyburn's district. And thus drama queen Nancy Mace replaced a perfectly good Dem US Rep.
Thomas making a strong bid to retake his lead over Alito as the worst Supreme Court justice
Thomas and Alito need to be forced off the court somehow. Thomas especially. They’re both fucking disgraceful.
Fuck him to hell, if that place actually exists.
How is anything ever going to get better for anyone when people like this have so much power?
Via his logic, we don't need SCOTUS because Congress will clarify everything for us and will act whenever laws produce unjust results. 😖
It’s like he 100% forgets that he falls under this stuff cuz he is also African American. Like dude, you do know once these white asshats are thru using you for their own agendas, they will turn on you like they do every other minority out there! You aren’t safe just cuz you do their bidding. FYI…