Deana "Little Cults Everywhere" Holmes

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Deana "Little Cults Everywhere" Holmes

Desultorily studying Japanese.
Gender non-conforming from childhood.
Yeah, I used to protest churches, what of it?
BA, JD, cat herder, hose wrangler.
I'd rather be in Japan.
If Donald Trump doesn't want me equating him to the Beast / antichrist of Revelation 13:3**, he should stop wearing stupid ear bandages. ** "One of its heads seemed to have received a death blow, but its fatal wound[a] had been healed. In amazement the whole earth followed the beast."
Eh, the Wall Street Urinal can put a sock in it. The Heritage statements about banking are alarming. (page 705) Basically, post 1930s (Great Depression) regulation is too restrictive. And obviously they are ignoring the 2008 financial crisis.
Yeah, I gave him an earful as well. I wanted to haul out my screenshots from Project 2025 (one about how they want to basically scuttle bank regulation from the 1930s onward and another about how the foundation of the US is the nuclear family) but I restrained myself.
I appreciate that you cited a page number. However, it's best if you actually post a screenshot of what you're quoting, because you can see in context the truly horrifying nature of what they're saying here. Traditional family homes do not protect children from child sex predators, for starters.
That's why I've been asking for page numbers in Project 2025 claims. But then I learned that Heritage is apparently repaginating their text to make it hard to find stuff. No matter, there's still screenshotting to tell people Project 2025 wants to roll back post-Great Depression banking regulations.
It's #Caturday, so here are my lazy critters, lounging around while I was stuck on a phone call with my back turned to them for the entire work day. Front cat is Sakura, back cat is Fuji.
It's not #Caturday, but I do love my two little guys and I love to show them off.
Sharing a picture of my little guys snoozing on my bed. The cat in front is Sakura, the cat in back is Fuji. They are two years old and a bonded pair.
I adopted a bonded pair of cats from a rescue earlier this year and signed a contract to keep them indoors. I have no problem with that. The outdoor kitties can be stupid (remembering having to get out of my already running car to chase a cat out from underneath last week).
The 12 foot prickly pear cactus which started out from nothing in my mother's front yard I don't know how many years ago got knocked down by a microburst last night. I loved that cactus and loved seeing it through its Arizona seasons. Bummer.
The house felines have tuned to a different channel on Cat TV and it's Not Me.
Here is a palate cleanser. These two kitties are more lovely and more adorable than the Orange Obnoxiousness.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll look for the email. Cat tax: Fuji-kun, one of my kitties.
I adopted a bonded pair that had a hard time finding a home because they look so much alike. The contract with the rescue states I will kerp them inside. Not a problem!
These two are just so darn cute. I've never had a bonded pair of cats before and Sakura-chan and Fuji-kun are very bonded.
Me reflecting on the fact that I'm in the office, it's cold, I have a hoodie on, I pulled down my hair, and the high outside is going to be 106F today.
End of feed.