Deana "Little Cults Everywhere" Holmes

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Deana "Little Cults Everywhere" Holmes

Desultorily studying Japanese.
Gender non-conforming from childhood.
Yeah, I used to protest churches, what of it?
BA, JD, cat herder, hose wrangler.
I'd rather be in Japan.
I am opposed to banning pickleball. My retired neighbors would revolt and we really want to keep people busy while we're remaking the country. :)
That was the *point*. To scare us kids into belief without question.
If I had a way of getting through to Young Mr. Douthat, I'd point out that he's really fallen into the Trump idol worshp trap. And then I'd ask him to take a read of Revelation 13:3 and ask him who he thinks that sounds like. /if I had to live through that in the 1970s, Douthat can live thru it now.
WOW. I haven't thought of that stuff for decades.
If Donald Trump doesn't want me equating him to the Beast / antichrist of Revelation 13:3**, he should stop wearing stupid ear bandages. ** "One of its heads seemed to have received a death blow, but its fatal wound[a] had been healed. In amazement the whole earth followed the beast."
I swear, I read this stuff and I cast back a half century to Revelation 13:3 (speaking about the Beast/antichrist): "One of its heads seemed to have received a death blow, but its fatal wound[a] had been healed. In amazement the whole earth followed the beast."
Un Effing Believable Someone needs to dig out that lettuce, complete with googly eyes, from the garbage skip it was tossed in.
Eh, the Wall Street Urinal can put a sock in it. The Heritage statements about banking are alarming. (page 705) Basically, post 1930s (Great Depression) regulation is too restrictive. And obviously they are ignoring the 2008 financial crisis.
Yep. That was absolutely the first thing I thought about.
The *shock* is that there are no calls to regulate guns after this. I mean, seriously, we are an insane country if people cannot stand up and say, ENOUGH to the 2nd Amendment fanatics, NRA and gun manufacturers after an attempted shooting of a presidential candidate. In fact, we're fcked.
Yeah, I gave him an earful as well. I wanted to haul out my screenshots from Project 2025 (one about how they want to basically scuttle bank regulation from the 1930s onward and another about how the foundation of the US is the nuclear family) but I restrained myself.
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Well, there have been indications for a while that the Secret Service is in general shockingly, outrageously, incomprehensibly incompetent.
Oh I know, I work for an evil too big to fail bank and those were days I don't want to relive.
The real quote is still fucking offensive. It says that millions of us are not in "real families."
I appreciate that you cited a page number. However, it's best if you actually post a screenshot of what you're quoting, because you can see in context the truly horrifying nature of what they're saying here. Traditional family homes do not protect children from child sex predators, for starters.
That's why I've been asking for page numbers in Project 2025 claims. But then I learned that Heritage is apparently repaginating their text to make it hard to find stuff. No matter, there's still screenshotting to tell people Project 2025 wants to roll back post-Great Depression banking regulations.
Can we start calling them Nat-Cs (for National Conservatism).yet?
We're really tired of the slow rolling coup being fronted by the NYT. Because it won't stop with pushing Biden out. You'll hound him out of the presidency. And DJT does not love you, "Dash" Sulzberger. Y'all are pathetic!
Yeah, and y'all keep going on about Joe Biden, who has a stutter and trying to set his campaign, nay, his administration on fire. Tell "Dash" Sulzberger that Trump will never love him and all this nonsense isn't going to save him from being rounded up if Trump's reelected. /irate voter
You're not helping, dude. Seriously, it's going to be too late when Trump gets in and he starts rounding up his enemies, starting with the press, pundits and chattering classes. Pass that along to your comms people. Seriously, I'm irate.
We're 15 weeks to the election. And polling of all types is a crapshoot. You should be concentrating on Project 2025 and the desire to deport at least 11 million people because they don't meet Thomas Homan's definition of US citizen or resident.
I'd like it better if it had a ripped up hunting hat in its jaws. At least it tried to get rid of its killer before it was shot.
Yeah, that "view from nowhere" was prevalent in 1980 when I was in j-school. It's why me being a Democratic party operative was hard for the faculty to take. I ended up failing the last class in the program in 1982. (Got a garden variety BA in 1984.)
What is this ""? And did they bother to go out and talk to voters? This voter is pissed off that the presstitutes and pundits are running a slow-rolling coup to get Biden off the ticket, but it won't stop there. Next it will be resignation or the 25th Amendment. STOP IT!
LIARS. Y'all are determined to have your slow, soft rolling coup any way you can. This is yet another of your lies!
Thanks for the reminder. Blick block block blockity block.
I'm not the one taking hits off a crack pipe.
Yeah, except to point out that the guy has fallen for the slow-rolling coup of the presstitutes and pundits. Because if Biden drops out of the race, the next push will be for him to resign as president or to use the 25th Amendment.