
Speaking of the 10 Commandments, people often think "taking the Lord's name in vain" means using curse words. But, ironically, what it really means is doing shit like this.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
Did you notice ordering schools to post the Bill of Rights is conspicuous by its absence?
the Constitution is also conspicuously absent in schools
Spot on, I grew up in a very religious household where things were very rigidly interpreted. To them, "taking the Lord's name in vain" meant specifically saying "God damn it!" It didn't occur to them that the *actual* meaning was using God as a tool for leverage, fear, etc.
I don't know what this is from, but I love it
The Ten Commandments received by an Hebrew. Moses was not a Christian, he died in 1473 BCE.😇
Maybe some good lessons on worshipping golden idols and the best way to split babies in home ec.
the entire US christian apparatus is just one giant taking of the lords name in vain